The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. I got the same exact bow from an enraged skeleton!
  2. Is god armour just enchanted armour?
  3. Har--ry.....
    brickstrike likes this.
  4. I don't think the messages should be global... Otherwise everyone will think the boss is nearby them and be confused when they can't find it. The global sound would be good though... Or possibly just saying "Marlix has fallen" or "Momentus has fallen" and maybe saying "The next one can spawn in around ___ hours." Just some ideas :)
  5. i agree with bemvino
    brickstrike and dylan_frenette like this.
  6. As bemvino87 said, I think it would confuse people if the message was global. Maybe a global sound when the boss is killed?
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  7. Is it possible to make it so there is either a cooldown timer for the mobs where you can check, or if you are really looking for the mobs with friends the code can be changed to if the more people are in an area and the longer you are there the more chance that a monolus / marlix will spawn? Kinda like the new difficulty in 1.6?
    bemvino87 likes this.
  8. I'mma take note of this "per server" quip and mention that if the bosses must be both Wilderness and Wasteland, as has been the popular demand it seems, they should be set on their own timers. A Momentus killed in SMP2 Waste, for instance, should not detract from its chance to spawn in SMP2 Frontier. I'd still prefer the OP mobs and bosses to be Wasteland Only, leaving a more vanilla wilderness for those of us who don't want to go hunting rares, but it seems I'm pretty much overruled in that regard. That being said, I've been in the wilderness several times and haven't seen so much as an Enraged zombie or skeleton - and for this I am thankful. A slightly higher rate in the Wastes would be appropriate, but if the chance of them popping in Wilderness is so low as to make them "legendary" in some eyes, that's about the best balance I could hope for at this point.

    Regarding global messages: No thank you. The periodic system messages in place already are quite enough, being told that a boss has spawned / been killed is unnecessary.
  9. I think the system of a boss can only spawn once every few hours may be broken... Lots of people claim that they defeated Marlix, and right after another one spawned. I've even seen it happen :p
  10. Per world to double the spawns of the bosses is an interesting idea.

    as for the enraged, they will be made much more common by the weekend.
  11. if one spawns and noone kills it, someone could find that one then another spawns too.
    deathconn likes this.
  12. I'm not a fan, but it seems most people do like hunting them.
    In both worlds, or just Wastelands? :confused:
    please be wastelands only, please be wastelands only, please be wastelands only...
  13. So I was curious to see what would happen if you ate the shiny flesh soo. . . .

    marknaaijer, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. As of this moment, there are no differing spawn rates for wild and wastelands.
    Marlix used to be wastelands only, but that got changed.
  15. i think the globle messages should be toggleable tho for folks like kephras and other vanilla peeps
  16. We are not going to go into segregation and call people "Vanilla People".... =P

    Not going to do global messages
    cddm95ace and jrm531 like this.
  17. lol i just meant those select few who prefer everything to remain as vanilla as possible and even within those ranks there are some that insist on like minecraft beta being playable (such as those that complain about iron farms)
  18. A lot more things coming (Groups, Dragon Tombs, Wild Outposts, + More) are not vanilla based stuff either.
    It's our goal to provide fun, we will not be removing fun from the majority to please a minority.

    So if the majority wanted global messages, we would do them. But that wasnt a good idea (would be confusing), but I will do the world wide sound.
    jrm531 and cadgamer101 like this.
  19. We were never a vanilla server anyway why is it all coming up now complaining about it? :p
  20. So just to be clear: No world wide message saying that the boss has been killed, and no countdown timer or indicator of when the next boss can spawn?