The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. I dint guess I had one explode at my nether fort and it did nothing but blow me back. so im sorry if I upset you buy trying to help:(
  2. Sorry that I said it that way. At my Nether base, which has a Blaze Spawner Grinder, it is grief proof from Ghasts, it has several layers of stonebrick and stone slabs, those Nether hounds have destroyed both of those blocks and others.
    darkvilla likes this.
  3. Well I say we suggest to aikar that he maybe change the explosion on the hounds from a creeper like explosion to ghast like explosion to protect are bases.:) (if that is possible)

    Like ICC said lest get some constructive feed back/suggestions on this update and less being up set for change:D
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  4. I killed Marlix and got that sucker's boots :D Dang guy was dragging me through jungle biomes and stuff, almost died by falling into a ravine xD also got 3 skelleton heads and 35 diamonds :)
  5. Congratulations. I like the story as well. It's like a tour guide of the wild that tries to kill you.
    mba2012, jrm531, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  6. So, I personally like this update, and since I am not a major wild dweller giants and a harder wild does not affect me. It simply gives me a new place for adventure. However, I do recognize that for all the people who have bases out in the wild, non-vanilla monsters, no matter how rare, are not exactly helpful. I really like the suggestion of limiting all of this stuff to the wastelands, at least until dystopia exists. That way, all the adventure and new dangers can still exist in harmony with those looking for a more vanilla wild.

    Also, player heads are awesome :D
  7. For those of you who are giving staffs a hard time about this update and don't like it

  8. OMG there are netherhounds!!!!!!!!
  9. Do you put why so serious for everything? It confuzzles me
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. Wasn't trying to give them a hard time. I was trying to explain why I wasn't feeling so ecstatic about this one. I wanted to try to explain that I guess I didn't feel it because the first thing everyone did was grab an item and slap it up in an auction for a ton of rupees. It just seemed like people only cared for the update because that meant something else they could make money.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  11. Maybe. All I know is I'm tired of seeing auctions for stone and sugarcane. It will be nice something new for a change.
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
    2-Netherhounds can destroy spawn areas...

    Attached Files:

  13. .....Well thats a problem :p
    607 likes this.

  14. I like the wild, and very little care about the money. It's nice to have occasionally, don't get me wrong, but I spend it on such silly things, it very rarely matters. What I do like, is adventure. These new spawns really influence team work, because as some have already found, even with multiple people they are still tough fights, and you get the chance to get a reward for it.

    I understand that the potential for some of the richer players, or economically driven players will make money off it, but that's the game they want to play. The game I want to play, is one where I can on an adventure with my friends and our be interesting. It's why I joined a multiplayer server to begin with. I really think you are focusing on how others are playing the game, instead of liking for the potential that it had to other play styles as well.

    You're not wrong, people will profit. But if you don't care about that part of the game, who cares if they do? I like knowing the idea that surviving with a group of friends does not just mean eventually finding iron. Now it means avoiding these spawns I can not beat, setting up a home, getting materials, making good weapons and armor, enchanting them to make them even better, and doing this not just for me, but for all of my friends. Then we can attack these troublesome giants and flying skelies, and let them know who the wild rally belongs to. I will make a kingdom that is not only massive and beautiful, but had the defenses to not just protect from creepers and spiders, but from the tallest giants, and the most eerie flying punching bags that are Marlex. My kingdoms will rise because we understand the value of team works, and recognize that it is needed to destroy these new creations. We will grow and take this rare loot and make it common from their spilt blood. They will be nothing but bugs. I will not rest until not only myself, but every member of my empire laughs at these, recalling those days we ran so fearfully from these abominations. My journey with this update ignores the money, and feasts on the glory. What will be your story?
  15. This was a great update. :D

    This would be the experience in chat of fighting Momentus [The Giant] sadly, I forgot to take pictures during the battle. I was more concerned on defeating the beast instead. But something is something.

    With Me, Kevdudeman, and 5chris100

  16. I think NetherHound Spawn rates should be dropped. I mean, seriously, there's 30 second inbetween about 6 of them spawning and by the time they can spawn again you were killed 28 seconds ago.
  17. yes... yes i do :p

    Edit: Became obsessed with the Joker
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  18. I just died to Marlix and he despawned. I thought bosses didn't despawn...
  19. Anyone want to trade player heads? :p