The 9000 Mall is now officially open!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bloodra1n, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Just to track sales? Lady, you are smart (sort of)
  2. W00t! Way to go Bloodra1n!! Glad business is going good fro you! Did you get the SECRET picture I sent you?
    bloodra1n likes this.
  3. This place is HUGE! I bet that it sells everything in the world of MineCraft!
    I remember when the place used to be a stone castle about 2 floors high. Really cool, guys! Great job and good luck on your sales! :) (Glad it's on smp4 lol)
    bloodra1n likes this.
  4. It wont sell a dragon egg. Those are very rare to find. And now a days, people are blowing them up.
  5. We have what we can assure we can stock right now. We will add more as we see a NEED.... :)
    This first day is AMAZING! I never expected this much so
    I NEED a wool supplier NOWWWWWWWW....LOL
    Email me here if you want to talk Numbers.... :)
  6. Talking about expectations.. I actually did not expect people to buy so much that my screen was green for atleast 15 minutes. There comes the stocking part again~

    Amazing start, with amazing people. Thank you all.
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  7. i sold u a bunch xD i can supply more soon
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  8. Wool? PM Me with all the colors and amounts, give me some time... and presto! (PM me)
  9. Hey, I saw this shop being built awhile back when I was visiting random lots on SMP4. It looked great and it looks even better in the screenshots! I'll be sure to check it out when the servers are back up. Good luck! Always happy to see a successful start-up. :D
    bloodra1n likes this.
  10. So Our First Day Was AMAZING! It was truly beyond anything I could have expected!
    We gave away tons of free stuff... sold many items really cheap for the Grand Opening and met some new players that are quickly becoming friends.... FTW

    For those of you who have not had time to stop in yet.... WHAT are you waiting for? lol

    We do plan on having this full 24/7 as best we can BUT keep in mind... there is a learning curve to prices and what to carry. If you have any suggestions please feel free to let us know. We will always strive to do our best for the Community!

    Thank You For Approving Our Prices! THAT was my biggest fear.... I still want to be fair as I always have but it takes more labor costs to run something THIS big and still be reasonable on costs..... :) We will adjust as we see demand this next week or two and then will have them where they will be from now on :)

    THANKS AGAIN.... :)
  11. This reminds me of some place? ;)

    But good job.
  12. YES it does.... Have you come to see it? I would LOVE your opinion Oh Builder Of Mammoth Malls.... :)
    AlexChance likes this.
  13. Not yet, but I'll check it out. Mammoth Mall inspired right?
  14. To Say The Least.... I Am STILL Looking For Where It All Is.... And There Is Stuff I Never Saw....LOL

    This is a blast but I am personally ready for my Mining HQ.... :)
  15. I'm cordially inviting you to the PRO SHOP database, one of our editors will check in soon and make a great review of your shop. It would be nice if he can be guided by you guys through this great mall and get some important information only you may know.
    If you are interested in leading such visit please contact me via private message,
    bloodra1n and R0bbieJo like this.
  16. WOW... In only two days.... This is an honor! We can take someone through for sure... You may have to grab Bloodra1n on this one as I am barely treading water keeping up right now... lol
    Thank You
  17. Actually, how it is the project took 2 days for me to make :p the honor is mine, having such great shops on such great project is just... Great! :p
  18. I am going to let Bloodra1n fill this all out. He and the other two are the masters behind this amazing shop. I am but the one who was blessed to go into business with them. :)
  19. Very nice mall! Your in my list of places to spend my rupees. If only you were on SMP6...
    bloodra1n likes this.
  20. Bloodra1n: When can we meet at SMP 9 for you to guide me through the shop? it would be nice to know some details about it (like how much it cost, what is the cheapest thing you got, some info about the stock and other fun facts) :D
    Also, who is part of the team? i mean, who did and made this happen?