The 20th Century. (RPG)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Spain accepts and is willing to trade for 10,000 units of mobile radio, for use with Spanish troops at the border. Spain wishes a treaty with Sweden, sending 20,000 Heavy troopers, 100 tons of wood, and 4 mona lisa's as a gift.

    Spain wishes to stop hostilities with the americans. (seems everybody's allied, anyone with germany? *prepares to bomb*)
  2. Lolwut? When did i use force against civilians?
  3. Japan will be allies with Sweden
  4. When did i use force against civilians? U MADE DAT UP.
  5. That never happened
  6. Sweden accepts the treaty and the gifts from Spain.
    Sweden Update:

    Allies: Japan, Spain
    Population: 9 million
    Army: 21k troops

    Sweden starts to research Mass-Farming of Wheat and Melon
  7. The Mona Lisa's were on standby. Just sayin.
  8. Sweden sends 100 tons of Wood to Japan
  9. Sweden requests to know what year it is, what Countrys exist and who own them
  10. Spain sends 10,000 troopers to Tokyo, as a result of a japanese submarine bombing cargo ships heading for Canada. The Mona Lisa's carpet bomb the area with 500kg bombs and napalm. Heavy soldiers cut down all Japanese life forms with Flame throwers and Credenza's.
  11. Sorry, but I must say the same. Please refrain from further bloodshed until America gets back from school.
  12. Australia wishes to Allie with Sweden
  13. Australia works on producing new weapons and strengthens there army adding 5k troops
  14. The year is 1919. (just take the page number and add 1900 to it)
    Current countries: China, Canada, Germany, Spain, America, Russia, Japan, Sweden, Great Britain, Australia (did I miss any?)
  15. Wait....
    Did Spain send explosive Mona Lisa's to Sweden?
    Will Spain blow them up? :confused:

    Sweden lock in Mona Lisa's in an Obsidian Room
  16. Australia....
  17. Sweden accepts being allies with Australia.
    Sweden's research of Mass-Farming is complete!

    Sweden requests being allies with Great Brittain

    Sweden Update:

    Population: 9m
    Army: 21k
    Allies: Japan, Spain, Great Britain (Pending)
    Mass Produces: Wood(EXTREME), Iron, Melons, Wheat

    Sweden starts to research Military Camps
  18. China has finished researching new submachine gun designs. The new Qu Submachine gun has been put into production and will soon be given to all Chinese soldiers. The new gun fires at a rate of 2000 rpm with a muzzle velocity of 300 m/s.
    China begins researching space travel.
  19. Edited.
    A group of Japanese radicals have pillaged and burned a farming town about 200 miles north of Beijing. The attackers were promptly arrested by international authorities, pending a trial. It is unknown at this point any motives, or if they were taking orders.
    Meanwhile, scientists in Guangzhou are dealing with a mass outbreak of the bird flu. The city has been quarantined, and top scientists are attempting to stop the spread of the disease.
  20. Australian weapon research has ended and the M1911 and Bren Light Machine gun goes into mass production
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