The 20th Century. (RPG)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Canada starts to think Japan dislikes them. :(

    Protests in America reach a new height, with 1 cop killed in New York.
  2. Who with.
  3. China accepts Spain's request for an alliance.
    All members of the UCW will now vote on a leader.
    Reply '1' for China.
    Reply '2' for Russia.
    Reply '3' for Canada.
    Reply '4' for Japan.
    China begins researching orbiting satellites.
  4. Ill pm you, no need to spoil it. Spain finishes research on ceramic armor and the new Credenza (made that up) Automatic rifles, which can fire 150 rounds per minute with a 50 bullet drum magazine. Spain sends 10k Credenzas and 10k ceramic armor units to aid Canada if a war with Japan starts and as a gift to China.

    3 ( not meaning to be a suck up)
  5. If you can vote for yourself, 3, if not, 1, as China is the only one I am allied with.
  6. You can vote for yourself.
  7. Spain tightens immigration security due to Spanish spies learning of a plot to assassinate the Vice Presidente of Spain. 10,000 Spanish infantry units, armed with Credenza AR's and ceramic combat armor are prepared for a massive counterattack on U.S. Soil. Canada and China's assistance is requested, but not demanded.
  8. China makes a public statement expressing their concerns for the grave situation in America. However, China can take no responsibility for the acts of American citizens, no matter the origin. China sends 2 tons of steel and 1 ton of rice to aid institutions in New York.
  9. China would prefer that both sides back down from a fight, as rumors are rumors and are not official orders from any governmental source. We urge that both sides work this out peacefully.
  10. Spain heeds China's advice, and 2 days later the Vice Presidente of Spain is killed by a bombing of North American origin.
  11. Canada decides to remain out of the attack, unless something major happens.
  12. Like this?
  13. Posted that at the same time you posted yours. Canada, which now has a population of a little bit less then 8 million, starts recruitment. Canada's army is now 650K. Canada ups defence at Carsons island. Canada gets its army for a possible attack on Canada, or on America.

    Canada begins work on a fighter plane.

    (BTW, Carson is my real name)
  14. China sends 10,000 troops to Madrid to control the situation. The UCW sends a investigative squad to both America and Spain to determine any origin of these attacks.
    Massive loss of life has been reported in the Northern Gobi Desert. Cause is unknown.
    China has finished orbital satellites and now begins researching fighter aircraft.
    While drilling for oil in Southeast Asia, China has discovered a large deposit of weapons-grade Plutonium. The plutonium is now being purified in labs in Shanghai for use in a new fission reactor in Xian.
    China has finished producing the Huo Cannon. Effects not to be revealed at this time.
  15. Canada sends 100 scientist to help find out what caused the mass lose of live in the Northern Gobi Desert.
  16. Japan Is fine With Canada an Proposes and alliance
  17. Canada accepts the alliance.

    Canada's fight plane is done! It has duel machine guns in its wings. (One on each side) It can also carry one small bomb. The name is Firesky869.
  18. Spain discovers a van of delegates on the side of the road in southeastern Spain, all dead. There is a crude american flag painted on the side of the van, but the Spanish Presidential advisor says it might be a framing. Cause is unknown, but lots of signs point to America.
  19. Spain starts research on a chemical warfare device to have an affect on most of the population of a large city, causing widespread disease and imminent death.
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