The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. spain r u allied with me?

    Waiting for iceland and russia to respond ally request also brazil
  2. Russia allies India
  3. now waiting for iceland and brazil
  4. Brazil reminds India thy are already allies.

    HFPE( Hidden From Public Eye )

    We begin making a sort of secret service, that ensures national securit, as well as our best interests. They have our small planes, the newly made ATVs, with gun. Also snipers, and silenced sub machine guns.
  5. India finds a forein spy from iceland and attempts to kil him if not allys XD
  6. Russia wishes to trade 50 barrels of Oil and 50 units of lumber for 100 carats of diamond from India
  7. Iceland is now wary of India as they have already caught spy.
  8. Holland wakes up and begins to celebrate increased income.
  9. Norway is back from sleeping
  10. Holland accepts Brazil's request. Holland sends a peace group to India to talk about a alliance.
  11. Iceland wishes to open new trade of 300 tons of Sno Crab for 400 tons if lumber.
  12. Holland has begun research in advanced aerospace and flight.
  13. Spain won't ally anyone who is allows with Iceland
  14. Norway has now terminated their allience with Iceland
  15. Norway builds a new road system, with toll booths earning 50 reboot rupees a minute
  16. Norway sends as a gift to holland one of their cruise line's
  17. Holland has found a breach in security from the inside of their government. All traitors are banished to the ruins of Turkey.
  18. &2accepted
  19. Holland has finished their aerospace and flight engineering research, they offer to handle all plane production for Norway, Germany, and Canada as they wish to incorporate their new design for their aircraft.
  20. India wants Holland to ally