The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. India wishes for alliance with Brazil
  2. @CreepingCreepers, do expect to be accepted if you have super advanced technology. Just dont. Those kinda things are kinda bound for doom.
  3. Brazil acceptes with both nations. They now begin to devolp a new missle, that can be fired from either the ground, or a plane, that uses this chemical weapon. The chemical weapon itself is colorlessand odorless, and it, f exposed for over 2 minutes, will make the effected have spasms, and 4 will mean death. XD
  4. India wishes for the blueprint for missle for 100 rubiez
  5. OT
    How long do u need to take to research on something?
  6. 5 posts

    India reserch on plants and econemy
  7. India recieved telegram that Turkey and Atlantis are now quitting!
  8. Iceland says hi to brazil and asks for alliance.
    Iceland builds twenty more naval battlegroups.
    Iceland begins nuclear detterrent program.
  9. Brazil declines. When the next person posts, we will begin research intoa new plane.
  10. Spain finishes research on 11M NSW RIB and starts to develop them
  11. Spain is wary of Iceland for now
  12. Brazil delcined the missles, not Fluffs alliance. We say YESH!!!!
  13. Russia had a very good night's sleep!

    Russia excepts Holland's ally request and sends 100 anti-aircraft guns to aid it in protection.

    Russia excepts Iceland's ally request and sends them 100 anti-aircraft guns to aid in protection.

    Russia sends 10 Battleships to all of it's allies.

    P.S. Did anyone else ask to ally? Because I didn't read it ALL.
  14. Due to my early wakfulness makes me thoroughly confused with brazil.
  15. Iceland begins country-wide manhunt for foreign spy.
    Requests help in setting up Naval searches for spies mode of transportation: The Falconeer
  16. Our new plane is done. Onkly special thing about it is much smaller then normal aircraft. It still has same speed and such, but lower weapon carring capabilites. Brazil is allied with Iceland, We declined Indias Missle agreement. wanted to ally with russia. I begin to work a new kind of military automobile.
  17. Russia excepts Brazil's ally request.

    Russia also wants to be allies with India.

    Russia breaks alliance with Norway.
  18. India wants Brazil, Iceland and Russia to ally.

    India is now finished! India founds plants that grow medicine leaves. The ecomemy is also done!
  19. Spain has completed the construction of its inflatable war boat and continues to create 30 more of them
    Spain breaks off from our alliance with Brazil due to Iceland
  20. Iceland finds foreign spy. Begins questioning.