The 12 months of farming

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Rhyblet, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. May we get picture of this hash hut?
  2. Hello 8comimi, and crew. I am very sorry for the late reply, for I have been stuck off the forums for quite sometime, but managed to obtain a way back in. :3

    May I please ask if you still need supplies for your 12 months of farming, please?
  3. Currently, we are not in need of anything. However,
    We will, in the near future, need lots of rails/rail materials.
  4. I'll post a pic in December. :) Or November, if I get a ton of time on my hands. :p
    607 and tedrocker like this.
  5. You heard it here. Your now my crew :p
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  6. Famous last words.
    Qwerty189, NathanRP and 607 like this.
  7. Hey, I expect that farm to be done when I get back >.>
    NathanRP likes this.
  8. *Gulp*
    Qwerty189, 607 and NathanRP like this.
  9. Alright, I've been gone, so a few updates.
    • The ghast farm was (sadly) not completed. I also misjudge distances alot... >.>
    • The november farm was not announced, because, with the unusable guardian farm, we were kinda out of ideas. We finally decided around the 20th, and decided to do a fishing farm at the ghast farm. It has been completed, but rates have not been tested.
    For december, we aren't doing a farm. We are, instead, doing a "Secret December Project". Now, it wouldn't be a secret if we told you what it was, would it? :p Instead, how about a little contest? There are two parts to December, and the first one to guess each of the parts will win my head. You will have two hints:
    1. The most visited farm this month will be the gold farm.
    2. 2014-12-07_08.31.24.png
  10. Okay so I accidentally answered the question thinking this was the convo, and then I realized it was the forums thread. Good thing I remembered there was a delete button!
    Qwerty189, ruari342 and 607 like this.
  11. Ah, I'm sorry to hear of the ghast farm being unable to be completed...
    But, for the new Secret December Project, is there a list of supplies you will need?
  12. That would probably give away things :p
    Sweetcutey likes this.
  13. Oh, okay then. I don't really read in to the specifics of things, but instead just get materials to make things happen. :)
    When you need materials, please let me know. :D
    607 likes this.
  14. Any guesses to either part of the farm?
  15. You're building a nether rail way to get to your gold farm easier?
  16. Kinda-ish.
    But very close.
  17. Your using the gold farm to build rails?
  18. dingdingding
  19. :D! I feel so smart :p
  20. It actually wasn't too hard, it's just that people seemed to not bother thinking about it :p
    I'm glad you did though!