terrible lag..

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by batmegh, May 16, 2013.

  1. Check any res with in the active chuck rang some on may have some heavy redstone works that my becausing you lag issues
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Please tell me you didn't just do what I think you did and thought that GHz means more speed...

    Under that argument an FX-8350 would be the be all end all when clocked to 5GHz, but it's not. You do not use GHz at all when calculating the power of a processor, you use benchmarks and other information, the CPU's that EMC runs are pretty much the most powerful Xeon's that exist.
    SoulPunisher, battmeghs and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. Hmm... how does this make sense at all? Of course it helps determine speed - it helps start up programs, run programs, decode, and multitask faster - and it especially also determines how much load the processor can take off of other hardware too... I had 6 identical computers at our test lab at school and 2 in mine and my former friend's test lab in his basement ... we set up 2 amd and 2 intel and compared them all same ghz ... 2 of them left alone 2 of them overclocked to max... for overclocking i'd recommend intel, for normal i'd recommend amd ... just for the shear fact that overclocking with amd will burn the processor while intel will just crash.

    Back to the point - when we tested again lower ghz like 1ghz -dual core intel processors on some dell computers... and then back to my 3.7ghz quad core amd processors on my cosmos ... that's 2ghz compared to 14.8ghz ... I could definatly see how many more programs i could run and how much faster they could run ... If anything I'd say a small part would be based on the RAM but without the differential in the ghz - your computer would fail badly.
  4. You have to realize that clock speeds and number of cores really don't mean too much, You have to look at the architecture, hence why a 3960X at 3.5 beats a FX-8350 at 4.2, and 6 VS 8 cores respectively.

    Anyhow, I'm ending this stupid discussion from here on, this is to help Battmeghs, not have an argument about CPU clock speeds. Frankly, it's pretty stupid to think Clock speeds mean anything (Especially remembering that Minecraft is single threaded)

    Edit: Also, you said AMD will "Burn" if you overclock it, SOOO not true, Any AMD CPU made past 2003 will have thermal sensoring, + they overclock like a freaking beast (5GHz from 3.2 with a bit of effort here)

    battmeghs, jkjkjk182 and Ahzeriel like this.
  5. speedtest.net results? If you're not in the US, chose a US location if you get a really high ping that can cause lag.
  6. Sorry but it really doesnt work anything like that at all lol.

    I could install 3000 plugins without lag... :)

    Theres really 3 types of lag, and the important part is determining which type of lag you are experiencing.

    • Client lag: This kind of lag is based on your computer specs and out of our control usually. This kind of lag can deal with the client feeling "slow", or freezing up some. FPS on optifine will show this, and you want 30+ FPS usually for smooth play, but the # will drop for many things so hovering at 30 means you will see spikes. Hovering at 200 youll likely always be good
    • Latency Lag: This is usually due to your location in the world or overall internet problems, or you might be downloading too much (if your using 100% of your download speed, latency will suffer).

      responses to actions such as breaking blocks will be slow (like you mentioned). This usually would not be a problem with the server, and could be your ISP (or stuff going on your PC). It also could be a problem on a larger scale of the internet.

      The internet works by sending your data through multiple servers on the internet before it actually hits our server (This is what a trace route shows), and if any of those servers along the way has issues, it will lag everyone taking that path.

      Think of it like a traffic accident, people going that way are slowed, others are fine.

      Typing "tracert smp1.empire.us > C:\empirereport.txt" into a command prompt will save a report to that file and you can paste it here WHILE seeing lag.
    • Server Lag: This is very unlikely now. With all our performance improvements and hardware upgrade, Ive not seen any issues with the TPS dropping below 20 for a steady time. The /tps command as mentioned above shows the server lag. If you see under 15 for multiple minutes, then the server is lagging and you should let me know.

    Please try to identify what kind of lag you are having, and if your seeing 15s to place a block, ask others if they are too.

    Also, how fast do you see your chat during this? 15s is an extreme #, and if others also had it id imagine many would be mentioning it, so im leaning that it could be a latency issue, or client.
  7. the lag i have is usually when i place blocks down, they don't completely show that they were placed until at least 15 seconds later.. if you put your pointer over where you placed the block, you see the clear outline of where the block is..
    or, if i place a block minecraft completely freezes for 3 seconds before it stops and places the block.
    .. it also seems that redstone (for me at least) is really having some issues working. lol
    i need a better computer :(
  8. I have a gaming laptop and I still get some lag (Lag, Not FPS Drop. You can have 1,000 FPS and still have severe lag).

    Usually I start slapping my router when it's not working and then reboot it with a good ol' boot kicking.
    battmeghs likes this.
  9. This is def client issues then.

    To see the frame of the block means the server told you its there, but the client is having problems loading textures to it.

    Try deleting entire .minecraft folder (force update doesnt clear everything) and try, as there are some resource files that might be having problems.
  10. I have a gaming computer, and I do a agree that it has been really laggy, I only get about 10 fps at the best of times...
  11. I'm having the same problem.
  12. My internet's been really crap lately, and i'm pretty much having the same problem as you, Battmeghs. Over the past few days, it's been improving, but i'm still unable to play Multiplayer :(

    2 weeks ago:
    I would have timeouts every 5 minutes of playing, and players would be running but moving 5 blocks every 30 seconds.

    The timeouts are gone, and players running move 10 blocks every 30 seconds. The time it takes for downloads to... well... download... has improved too. However both today and 2 weeks ago blocks appear instantly and are even registered by the server :confused:

    Speedtest.net results:
    To Liverpool (Which I am just outside of)

    To Montreal (which I am a few hundred kilometres away from :p)

    So, battmeghs, how many computers run off your router in your household? For me:
    My laptop.
    My mum's laptop.
    My brother's laptop.
    My dad's laptop.
    My dad's iPad.
    My phone.
    My mum's phone.
    My dad's phone.
    My brother's phone.
    My sisters GoTab
    Together, that's 10 devices running off one router that is built for only 5 of them.
    My mum is going to buy a new router to replace our current one, put half the house onto that one, and buy another new one and put the rest of the house onto that one.

    EMC has been quite laggy for me, but recently with my internet speeds suffering it's even worse >.>
  13. That's really not needed and wasted, a router can support up to 254 devices, (Due to LAN IP restrictions) You're internet is slow and unusable because it's Sky, who oversubscribe massively.
    We have LagMeter, don't we? Which is how the /TPS command has been made available? I thought that it executed a special script to bring the TPS back up to 20 if it's been lower 17 for more than five minutes...
  14. Didn't anyone tell you? Awesome stuff causes lag :p
    Nah seriously? Just do things like optifine download all of that rubbish that improves stuff etc, etc and lower specs.
  15. I have been having lag that isn't affected by the TPS type deal because I have a TPS of 20 but whenever I.. E.G, Create a 1x1 block tower and then dig it all up, it will break a couple blocks below me and I will lag inside of some blocks and just repeatedly be unable to move from that spot.
  16. Virgin has good speeds, but, they are massive liars and money hoggers :)
  17. /tps is Spigot.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. I've only ever used LagMeter and Spigot at the same time, didn't notice that :p
  19. Same here, for me it started after the last update 1.5.2 and just got worse although mostly in town, the wild is a little lagy but nether is more so. Town is always lagging
    battmeghs likes this.