Tattoo thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Phelps4, Nov 6, 2016.


Do you have or want a tattoo?

Yes 12 vote(s) 34.3%
No 15 vote(s) 42.9%
I haven't thought about it much 8 vote(s) 22.9%
  1. About 1 in every 5 people in the world has a tattoo which means statically some adults on EMC might have a few. I am posting this because I just got my first of many tattoo's and wanted to show it off. Like most of my other threads, I would love for other to share their tattoo's if they have any. I would also love to see idea's for tattoos!

    This is my first tattoo and I am in love with it. Feel free to share your and any story that may go along with it!

  2. Cool tattoo. I would get tattoos but it would hurt to much for me ;-;
  3. Does your tattoo have a meaning?
  4. Bump

    My tattoo does not have much meaning. I do not believe that every tattoo needs to have a meaning. I do plan, in the future, to get a tribute piece for my family since family means a lot to me.
  5. No, I don't want any.
    I'm glad none of my friends (at least that I've seen physically) have got tattoos, as I really don't like them.
    If one of my friends would really want one, could come up with good arguments and waited a while before deciding, I wouldn't try to stop them.
    But generally, I'll always advise against.
    CallumDAKing and Phelps4 like this.
  6. one word.. eww
  7. No, I don't have any. I want a bunch and that's the problem. Example, I have like 5 different designs I want on my left forearm about about 3 designs for my right. The list could go on but I'm very indecisive about which one I want forever. My brother on the other hand has like 5 tattoos a few with meaning and 1 or 2 that he just liked the design.
    Phelps4 likes this.
  8. I dot really like tatoos that much. I accept others decisions to have them or not. I accept the smal ones, not like the whole body tatooed. That is just weird in my opinion

    Eww isnt a word ...
    607 likes this.
  9. disgusting
  10. I think that the large tattoos that cover a whole arm are cool looking but I personally would never want one like that. I might get a tattoo when I'm old enough but im not sure if I want to because I hear bad things about them and it would hurt :/ But if I am ever to get a tattoos it would be the Fairy Tail emblem in black on my top right arm:
    crafter31211 and JohnKid like this.
  11. Personally, the pain did not bother me. I am curious to know what "bad things" you've heard about them. In my eyes, tattoos are works of art on a different canvas.
    AnonReturns, 607 and Lordess_Spartan like this.
  12. Ive heard its bad for your skin and it can cause lots of pain and itchiness and more xD
  13. That is just the process of the tattoo healing. It isn't necessarily bad for you. Your skin has to heal after you repeatedly stab it over and over again. So while it may be an inconvenience, it is temporary and for most people only lasts a week at most
    Lordess_Spartan likes this.
  14. I've never known someone to suffer from any of these and many of my friends and family have tattoos.
  15. Okay, but I personally think; it is not a crazy awesome idea to do/interact with/ect. anything that has a wikipedia page titled ____ medical issues.
    It's nothing against tattoos; it's risk of unnecessary and moderate risk in anything. I still think exercise is fine, because it helps you more than the risks stack up. That goes for anything with less risk than reward that is fine. Here is a thought-out list of things that I would never do, because there is not a point to them, and they have a ton of weird risks I am not okay with...
    -Eating McDonalds
    -Staying at a Red Roof Inn
    -Tightrope walking
    -Freeing Nigerian princes/nobles that have made requests from an email
    -Pole vaulting
    -Getting a tattoo
    -Drinking alcohol
    Here are some things that have considerable risk, that I would love to do at some point in my life (or I already do them), because they have some quality rewards...
    -Piloting an F-16
    -Driving 100+ mph legally in any car
    -Cross Country running/biking
    All of these are not a problem at all if you have any clue what you are doing. The others that I will not do; however, perpetuate a form of risk that I can not accept, as I have no control over them.

    I mean no offense, your tat is pretty sweet.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  16. The point of this thread is to show off tattoos, not to really hate on them :/.
    SoulPunisher, Shahir and kaptrix like this.
  17. I'm just giving some points for the poll. It seems like this is just a 'general tat' thread. The fact that he replied with a point to support his side, I think he is fine with me not wanting a tattoo, and telling him why. If he doesn't want me to tell him my reasons, I can happily delete the post as a misunderstanding of the topic. :)
    607 likes this.
  18. It asks want/have not "How I feel about tattoos" though