[SUGGESTIONS] Rupee Banking

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by SoiMylk, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. So, I was thinking and going through my old phone notes, and I stumbled across an entire list of ideas to help improve EMC. I looked through them, and picked the best ones to share with the community. Number one on that list is...

    Rupee Banking

    What is Rupee Banking, you may ask? Rupee Banking is a system in which you can:

    • Deposit Rupees and earn interest from the deposited rupees over time
    • Have a set budget for each day (OPTIONAL FOR EVERYONE)
    • A set system to help with managing shops
    I'm going to explain this in parts, parts corresponding in listing order.
    Part One: Interest

    What does interest do for you? Interest helps you by:

    • When you deposit rupees into the bank, you get an interest rate. (I would give an example, but I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at math.)
    • After a certain amount of time, you withdraw your deposit and the interest you made.
    • You can deposit rupees as many times as you'd like.
    Part Two: Budgeting
    This part is OPTIONAL, but recommended for people like shop owners.

    • During the first sign in of the day, you may set a spending budget that you can't break. If I set my budget for 10k for the day, and I wanted to buy something that was 20k, it would not let me due to the budget I set earlier.
    • You may remove your set budget, if needed, by doing /budget edit
    Part 3: Shop Management
    This is a set system to help with Shop/Mall revenue.

    • A set amount of money (that you individually assign) gets sent to the bank after every time someone buys something from you.
    • You can manage that money any way you wish.
    ***DISCLAIMER: I know these ideas are far fetched and will probably not be implemented, and may not even be possible, but, I'm just putting this idea out there.***
    Thank you for reading and please reply with any other ideas to improve this!
    padde73, Roslyn and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Even though this has eebnrequested many times before, it still sounds like an interesting idea. I don't know about thhe interest part (That, I think, would be best done with constistand groth with e^x), but I find the budget fairly interesting: As some older people mighht remember, I owned a meggamall for some time (I still do, but it I need to price the items again, only ores and suchh are done) And, some times people started selling and selling and selling items to me, untill I was totally, so the only stuck I had was that one item. Capping the chest (filling it with dirt/melons to make people unable to sell a lot) was the way I prevented that. I don't think capping isn't usefull, but with budgeting, it might be improved even better, as then people also can't go and sell a lot of a few items (or, who needs a stack of beacons?) wich sometimes is a pain too. Another way it can be usefull is when you made s typo in a shop sign, people won't be able to abuse it that bad (I have lost over 1mil in two mistakes) of course, abuusing typo's is still illegal, but it can work out pretty bad... Anoter one is when you have bid on an auction, you want to set those ruppees aside (I have once bid on somethhhing, won thhe auction, but before I had paid, someone sold me 500Kr worth of stuff). The thing is: you can do all this with alts and/or friends. and this system is quite complicated. just having the possibility to set money away would work just as good.
    I'm not a fan of the interest, as getting interest on stored money is bad for a going economeny (ever wondered why the ECB has set the interest of loaning on 0% and virtually makes money) if you want an economeny to grow, the best way is to set the interest at almost 0% in the Netherlands, thhe hhighest you can get is 0.5% interest if I'm not mistaken, (due to what the ECB does) the ecconomeny grows, it works.
    Roslyn likes this.
  3. This has been suggested a dozens of times already. Not trying to be negative but it is important to search this forum before you throw in your own ideas. Because sometimes you might unintentionally open up a can of worms ;)

    I agree that a banking option to reserve money would be an awesome feature. Several players (myself included) have resorted to using alts (an extra Minecraft account) for this. Not ideal, but it works.

    However, I'm definitely going -1 on interest. Storing money would be a good idea, but using that to increase your money would make things way too OP in my opinion. Simply because there are already many good options to make a good buck.

    +1 on allowing you to bank / store your money somewhere.
    -1 on the rest.

    To be honest I'm hoping that the Empire would consider making the DDTT shop sign a buy/sell sign. So to make the price of that promo fixed on 60k no matter what. This would solve the whole banking issue in one stroke, because then you'd be able to store 60k rupee chunks.
    Roslyn likes this.