[SUGGESTION] Voters horse

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MrAdazahi, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. What's wrong with just maxing out your stable and having multiple horses available in case one dies. This is going to be -1 for me. I mean if we only need 1 stable slot free for the respawnable never really dying. Then the stable voucher market will take a hits.
    BenMA likes this.
  2. -9001, I already have too many horses.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. An interesting concept for it would be to increase its stats based on your streak. If the speed goes from 80-130, jump from (I don't know jump lol), and health from 20-40, it could scale so that it hits the max at a 1k streak or something.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Unless any of those horses are immortal you arent getting this thread.
  5. An immortal horse.... doesnt that sound op....
  6. Nope. Cooldown after it dies to reuse
  7. a hundred day cool down period. That could work.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  8. :/
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  9. EMC considers the average horse to be 95 speed (not sure about the other specs). If this happens, it should be at most that speed.
  10. +1 as EMC does need another promotional horse. I would not expect them to give it away as a promo, however it would be cool as their aren't very many shiny horses (besides the reindeer). Like have a good horse for people to earn and show off. In my opinion I think their should be a voter horse because people like me don't enjoy paying for a 133 speed horse or a 120 jump which are really expensive and I think if EMC does indeed want to create one they should make it awesome stats as they do indeed have to earn it and it may encourage more people to vote.
  11. EMC does not need another promo horse. One came out 3 months ago. That's plenty recent.
  12. I don't get why an immortal horse is such a big deal? OP already states it would be unbreedable, so it would not affect market by influx of better horses. Also, Since this horse, if added, will have its own voter stable to summon, it won't be eggable( i think)(and if this hasn't been suggested, then make it uneggable; when dismount, stable automatically).

    + only like 20(very few) people will have this at the release. Make it like 127-128 Speed, 100 jump, and health is kinda irrelevant(maybe 8 hearts)... 30 min cooldown to resummon, + 300 token charge upon death
    FadedMartian and ExExUnderscore like this.
  13. The reindeer are a different thing. Theyre all brown horses with 1 good stat and 30hp.

    This is completely different (with the no dieing thing)
  14. One could make this argument for anything expensive. Should people be given a dragon egg as a voters reward just because they don't want to pay for one?
  15. For that isn't what he's trying to say.
  16. What was he trying to say then? The main part of his post seemed to say "make a really good horse for people like me who don't want to pay for one."
  17. I'm not talking like a normal horse. I'm talking about a promotional horse. Dragon Eggs are worth way more then normal horses. I was also saying that it would encourage more people to vote. As I know you completly disagree with me, but it's cool.
  18. There are normal horses that likely are worth more than dragon eggs. People are trying to buy up 136s at 1+ million. 137s, 138s, and 139s will certainly cost much more, and the price is not likely to be linear.

    And this isn't supposed to be a promotional horse, its supposed to be a voters horse. The difference is that promotional implies limited time offer, good stats, and a balance (such as, ability to lose it or break it if it has OP stats). A voters item doesn't have OP stats, but infinite durability/use. Voters items main draw is there infinite usage, not their stats. If we had a voters horse that had very high end stats and infinite use (even with a timer), that would be in no way balanced.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  19. If this is to be added make it at 1500 bonus just to split up the players and anyone who gets it won't want to sell it or will sell it for a lot.
    Cardman142 and FadedMartian like this.
  20. If I had an unbreakable horse i'd kill a sheep :p