(Suggestion) Voter Wand

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MajorHaze, Feb 28, 2017.


IS a Voters Wand Cool?

Yes 19 vote(s) 59.4%
Noo!!! 5 vote(s) 15.6%
wingardium leviosa 11 vote(s) 34.4%
avada kedavra 9 vote(s) 28.1%
sectumsempra 10 vote(s) 31.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Suggestion:
    Voters Wand...
    Does nothing it's just a shiny Blaze Rod or stick.
    (Not like we don't have those already)

    This voter wand can double as a Harry Potter cosplay item. :D
    Perfect for no reason at all.

    {Insert Harry Potter getting his wand gif}

    Lore: 10 3/4th inches long, made of dark oak, with a dragon scale as it's core. Given to a Voter with a strong bond with EMC. (IDK)

    Obtained by reaching a voter streak of 500. Then claimed through /mail...
    Scarmanzer, Vortixin, Jelle68 and 6 others like this.
  2. Just a non OP stick named Voters Wand. Something that looks great on the wall and let's players know you like to vote for this server.
    Scarmanzer, kaptrix and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. I need one of these.
    kaptrix, MajorHaze and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Maybe if you reach 1,000 day streak. Could be cool!
    kaptrix and MajorHaze like this.
  5. Yes!!

    Kinda like the voters certificate, but 500 seems like alot, 400 maybe
    MajorHaze and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. I'll take one. Thank you.
    kaptrix, MajorHaze and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. I don't see the harm in it. Would look pretty cool, and show off along with the certificate that you vote :D
    kaptrix, MajorHaze and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. Honestly, I think this would be really awesome, especially if it had particle effects. +1
  9. Yer a wizard Hazey!
  10. Avada kedavra!!
    FadedMartian and MajorHaze like this.
  11. Lol that's a very funny item. However rather than a voters item that can be turned into a full on promo given out on a holiday or something. The cosplay idea for the item sounds cool, I think this would be a good idea. I also suggest giving it the enchanted look cause that would play nicely with the whole wand theme. +1
    MajorHaze and Ryan_A_ like this.
  12. I need this in my life!
    kaptrix and MajorHaze like this.
  13. Please explain how this is in any way whatsoever OP. Also -1, we don't need cosplay voters rewards.
  14. It said non OP. Non-OP. The down vote is understandable, but they weren't saying it was OP, they were saying exact opposite. Just thought I'd point it out, since you were saying to explain how it was.
  15. +0 Not a big fan of Harry Potter. ;)
  16. I dont like Potter eirher... but he was a long way off from being the inventor of the wand...
    kaptrix likes this.
  17. Well you both can just pretend your magicians instead of wizards. :D
    JesusPower2, kaptrix and Raaynn like this.
  18. precisamente Major...

    and those who arent interested in one wouldnt have to claim it...

    or if mailed they may toss it in a pit of Lava if they so desire :)

    I for one would place it on t'wall.
    kaptrix likes this.