[SUGGESTION] Vault Signs

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by CraftyCosmic, Jan 4, 2022.

  1. I find myself wanting to treat a chest as if it were one of my vault pages, such as safely showing off promos or other items, or selling things while being able to easily restock it. A sign that would link its use to a vault for shop signs or [PREVIEW] signs would be an incredibly helpful tool that would allow a limited safegaurd against direlection or the like for something that is not a hundred dollars of a 1.2 million rupees.

    it'd be like
    you'd place it then type either [SHOP] and set up the shop as usual
    or go [PREVIEW] and set up as normal

    like to +1 i suppose
  2. Good idea, just one thing--perm vouchers nowadays are around 1.2 mil rupees :)
  3. edited op to reflect this