[ Suggestion ] Town Explorer Boots

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Upmostlocket106, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. Would it be possible to make a promo Boots that give a super speed boost but only work in town?

    I was thinking no buffs only a good speed boost, so its only usable in town
  2. Interesting question!
    I'm not sure, to be honest! There is the Maxarian head, but you can't place shoes, whereas you can place heads.
    If it was possible, I think it would make a fun promo.
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  3. Seems a little odd for a promo, perhaps an item like DDTT that can be purchased from shopworld for 50k or something?
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  4. Personally I would love these - I love running around town and seeing what new/different residences have popped up near me :D

    Not sure what holiday they could be linked to, but it has a +1 from me :)
  5. It's a very good idea. Here are a few US dates that could work for the promo since they are for inspiring people to walk around and explore.

  6. 2024 the Summer Olympics.. Ancient shoes of speed, straight from the feet of Hermes.