[Suggestion] Split use:button flag into use:button:wood and use:button:stone

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Giselbaer, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Rationale: I want to give players access to some buttons on my res (teleport between shop areas), but not some others (teleport to farm button, open iron doors). An easy way to do this could be using stone buttons for what other players are able to use, and wood for what they aren't, or vice versa, and it wouldn't require setting a sign next to every button.

    As far as I understand the flag system, if use:button:XXX isn't set, but use:button is, that setting is inherited to the subflag, so this wouldn't break anything for existing builds/players and shouldn't require copying flag settings for every individual player either. The use: flag seems to check for various usable blocks anyway, and minecraft uses different item IDs for stone(77) vs. wooden(143) buttons, so I guess this should be fairly easy to implement.
  2. I don't see why not +1
  3. If I remember correctly, chicken said something about how the system didn't support more than one subflag. Let me look for that source.

    EDIT: Quote from chickeneer about an idea similar to this.

  4. Not something I'd use I think but I don't see why not ;)


    It wouldn't really have to I think. The current flag could be changed and a new one could be added. For example: use:button_wood & use:button_stone.
    Vortixin likes this.
  5. Originally that was my first idea, but if you look at chicken's last post from the thread I quoted, he said that idea wouldn't work either without a complete system re-write.
  6. that Quote is a bit outdated, as the system has been rewritten many times to allow for stuff to be done like this...
  7. I haven't seen an instance in which this has been done. Could you please show/link me one? If it has I'll edit my original comment.
  8. When I try egging a villager on a res where I don't have permissions, I get a message about missing eggify:villager:adult resp. eggify:villager:baby flags. However, in /res set the eggify flag has subflags eggify:villager, eggify:adult and eggify:baby, but none with 3 levels. So something is going on here, even when I don't know exactly what.
  9. I like it! +1mil
  10. In this scenario, the best method would be to use Access and Restrict Signs. For your case, I would suggest using Restrict signs on each button you want to prevent others to access.

    Restrict signs work similar to Access signs, except anyone named on the sign are the only ones with access to the item below, despite any residence flags. (Except Admin flag, which will bypass the Restrict sign.)

    To use one, you place a sign, then, on the top line you write: [Restrict]
    Each consecutive line should hold the names of anyone you want to restrict access to. (You don't have to include your name, you will always have access despite the Restrict sign, since you technically already have "Admin" flag as the res owner.)

    You might ask, "What if I want to give access to more than 3 people?" Well, the dev team has prepared for that as well. You can give access to residence groups. For example, I have a group named "Friends" that consist of people that I trust with access to my residence. On any of the lines of the Restrict sign, I can put #Friends (you place the "#" in front to tell the system that it is a group). Then, anyone in my Friends group has access to the item beneath that sign.

    Once you do /res set use:button true and set the restrict signs up, people can access any button on your res except the ones you restrict access to. If you want to read more about Access and Restrict signs, here is the wiki page for them: https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/access-and-restrict-signs/

    In my opinion, this method will work better than creating flags for different types of buttons, since this gives you even more control over them. In addition, access and restrict signs work with any item that requires the use or container flag for people to use it, such as doors, levers, and chests.

    Good luck!

    Edit: Made a few edits to add clarity to post, my apologies if the you read the old post and were confused. If you notice anything else that seems wrong/out of place, feel free to let me know.