(Suggestion) Site warning or similar when derelict

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Caeyde, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. So, it's in the title.
    My sister recently lost her residence. We don't log on to the server much, but I'm on the website often. Having a warning on site, an email, or something similar would be very helpful to notify people when your residence is or is close to going derelict. I think it would help a lot of people who are on the forums more than the server itself.
  2. one way to tell is by looking at the rupee log... From there you can see when you last logged in, or when you last voted.

    I have suggested this in the past, and so has others, but it never got anywhere... One of the reasons is the site is not built by Aikar, its Xforno, so it would be a semi hard thing to implant, and have it on top as it is in-game... Would prob be more a delay...
    AliceTheFox, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  3. As we've stated in the past when this was suggested, while this is a helpful idea, it's not feasible with our current set-up. We'll have to wait until the forums finally get upgraded, then look into what it would take to make it possible. We have some things in test that could work in the interim, but nothing is completed as of this moment.

    I guess a good way of explaining the status of this suggestion is accepted, pending feasibility.
  4. XenForo :p
  5. Yeah, one of the big problems with this right now is that derelict status is only guessable via the API (which is what I use for the vote page and stuff like that). I can get your last login date, and I can get today's date and see if there's more or less than 30 days there, but that's the absolute limit to what I can do. Problem is, derelict can be pushed back via stuff like voting, some people have permanent derelict protection (which can't be detected unless it's from being a supporter/staff), and some people (such as newbies) has a shorter derelict timer than 30 days. Until the API exposes a plain number for how many seconds it is until you go derelict (or similar), I can't build it into anything.
    ShelLuser, AliceTheFox, 607 and 4 others like this.