[Suggestion] Shulker boxes and vault

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Giselbaer, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. We can't put non-empty shulker boxes in our vaults, and for a good reason - if you could fill your first vault page with 54 boxes, that makes for 27 standard vault pages, and there's no incentive anymore to get another page - except those 10R for opening your vault, but come on, how much is 10R? This would render vault vouchers useless, taking away a desirable item from special mobs, and remove one money sink (expand your vault for 10K) from the game.

    However, transferring lots of stuff from one smp to a different one is a huge pain now. (Ok, it's less painful than before we had shulker boxes at all... ) - basically you find a place where you can build and access your vault, dump the box into your inventory, dump the inventory into your vault, switch server, reverse the whole thing.

    To make that easier, and at the same time increase the value of vault expansions, what about the following rules:
    - A filled shulker box can be put in a vault page, IF that vault page is completely empty otherwise.
    - A vault page that has a filled shulker box will not accept any other item - basically the box blocks all of it.

    This could save people a lot of time and clicking, but comes at a price - you need 1 vault page (54 items) to store one shulker box (27 items) so you really need more vault pages, not less, compared to now.

    And it wouldn't take away from players - nothing prevents you from filling your vault just the same way you do it now.
    ShelLuser, K_Kick and TomvanWijnen like this.
  2. The reason you said is not the readon for that...

    Aikar did want shulker boxes with items to be transferable... but... Is too much data! Aikar tested it, and saw that the player would loose items if he put many shulker boxes with items, so to evitate the loss, he remove transfering full or partially full boxes...

    Summary of what would happen (I think) https://youtu.be/fNC1h1Pef_Y?t=51s (this is the closest assimilation I could find)
  3. Haha, I may have crashed the EMC servers once with an nbt overload like this. Unfortunately, when nbt fails to load from a chunk, it crashes the server. This is why enderchest-ception simply is not a feasible option for minecraft. Ultimately, the restriction on them with vault is based on the avoidance of this overflow of data size. Problem being, we don't know when that limit may be reached. Some custom/lored items have the potential to store larger amounts of data which could lead to breaching that limit earlier. Or maybe books filled with words. Thus, we simply avoided this by not allowing shulker boxes in vault to avoid that extra level of data.

    As for the original suggestion. I think we could confidently make this happen. My concern is that it isn't intuitive. Meaning, it does not seem like expected mechanics and perhaps difficult to understand for someone brand new to EMC.
    Carbonyx and Tuq_SolidColor like this.
  4. I mean, it was a good reason, but it wasn't that reason. I don't think staff would honestly care if you're trying to spend as little money as possible on vaults.
  5. A better option would be a way to dump the contents of a shulker into a vault without having to unload it into inventory first.

    So when you right-click a shulker with items into your vault it instead just unloads it there (and possibly drops the shullker in too). Right-click an empty shulker on the vault page and it loads the shulker from top left until full.
    ThaKloned, ShelLuser and JognKid like this.
  6. I strongly disagree with that.

    There's more to /vault that mere storage alone. A good friend of mine, well, several friends of mine actually use their /vault as their own personal storage. They easily have around 40 - 60 vault pages (I'm only fully sure about 1 friend of mine ;)) and the main drive here is easy access. When they need, say, some redstone stuff they open their redstone vault (/vault redstone) and grab it.

    Stuffing that full with shulker boxes would seriously defeat that purpose. Because... You'd have to place a shulker box down before you can retrieve the items from it. Yet if you're on another players residence then chances are high that you won't have build access to place these boxes.

    And even if you can....

    #1 problem which a good friend of mine sporadically runs into when on my residence: accidentally placing their shulker box somewhere, only to find out that it became insta-locked because they have a build flag, but not a container flag. Auch ;)

    Personally I think it should follow vanilla rules. We can put shulker boxes inside ender chests and regular chests so it makes sense to allow /vault usage as well. Of course there is the issue mentioned above ;)

    But in general: +1 :)

    Having a little easier access would be welcome. Sometimes it's annoying trying to move to another server, only to find out that you need to run into the /waste again because you need to empty your shulkerbox.
  7. The issue is I use my vaults for building, I never want or need to move box's full of items.

    Why not a way to transfer contents of the box to vault without placing it?