[suggestion] Res Flags!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Jun 9, 2015.


Should we add this?

yes 15 vote(s) 60.0%
no 10 vote(s) 40.0%
  1. I agree with the weather but I disagree with the time flag. Great ideas though :)
  2. here is a video i made quickly, It was made on another server, but i tried my best to hide the server name.

    Caution, This video was made off EMC. I am not advertising, this video is for showing of the weather and time flags to show that it does exist.

    clan23 likes this.
  3. Seems that it is actually part of the Bukkit API now. Not sure when it was added. Regardless, I am not supportive of the suggestion at this time.
  4. What is part of the Bukkit API now? Ability to turn on and off random weather in a region (section or whatever you want to call it)? or... Can you control the weather completely in the API for an area (turning it on and off)? Would make for interesting fishing contest event rounds with and without rain. Prolly should put that in the suggestion section of the forums.
    tuqueque likes this.
  5. They added the ability for us to update the time/weather for a single player. Which we could add code to be for an area. (if we wanted)
  6. OOOH! Tell em!
  7. The weather already exist, just change your res to a cold biome and it will snow
    To a not dry nor cold biome(like plains) so it can rain
    Or change it to dessert so it doesnt rain at all...

    But you need to wait until it rains/snows server side

    Edit: fail, i thought it rained in town, but it doesnt...
  8. There is no weather in town though...?
    TigerstarMC and tuqueque like this.
  9. #dystopia
    Gawadrolt and PenguinDJ like this.