[Suggestion] Releasing World Seeds

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by WyntyrRaevyn, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. The seed would be released after the world was reset. The wastelands use a new seed every time, so there's no risk of people using the seed to exploit.
    ScrObot, 607 and Gawadrolt like this.
  2. About all the finding diamonds and stuff. Cant you just get a texture pack x-ray thing anyway :p
  3. krysyy did grab the seeds before reset, so wait for her to create a wiki page to release them.
    WyntyrReavyn likes this.
  4. You could, but then you'd get permabanned.
    f_Builder_sDaNub and 607 like this.
  5. Thanks Aikar! Glad to know that this will become a thing.

    Edit: And thanks Krysyy for remembering. I know you guys are busy, so we appreciate you taking the time out to do this for those who want the world seed. :D
    WyntyrReavyn likes this.