Suggestion: Give the Cooked Turkey some purpose

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TuckerAmbr, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. Hello,

    For the life of me I can't seem to get a turkey slicer. Kinda how my year has been going. Anyway, the Cooked Turkey I have been getting is cool and all but it really has no purpose beyond wallpaper. Even Halloween candy can be eaten. Why not give Cooked Turkey some sort of kick if you eat it. And I don't mean makes you lay on the couch and fall asleep. Maybe something like golden apples or even better yet, since OP apples are uncraftable why not really generate some excitement and give the Cooked Turkey the same kick that OP apples have. That would be fun. Anything would be cool. Thanks.
  2. Some sort of benefit would be great, we have enough collector's items as is.
  3. On top of there being enough true collector's items (like rememberance poppy), a lot of the durable items like most tools, weapons, and armor, are just collectors items because you really don't want to use them in the interest of their value. We really want less collectors items and more things that are either infinte enough to use (like scary candy or the turkey) or actually unbreakable (like the trident promos).
  4. This is either a really good idea or a really bad idea considering not a single staff has weighed in on this suggestion. Anybody?
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  5. So some here are some thoughts:

    Considering how many of these are in existence, we don’t want to give them the same affects as golden apples, would be too large of a change imo. Also, I would think that too boring and would want them to be more unique.

    I’d rather they do something more unique like the haunted candy, something unexpected. I think it’s a fun idea and something that could be planned to be added for a possible Thanksgiving update next year, since it would take time to implement still.
  6. I agree maybe something like hunger won't deplete for like a certain amount of time or maybe some sort of fire resistance.
    KatydidBuild, TuckerAmbr and liamwill like this.
  7. I was thinking fire resist like skeletin said and maybe a high level of saturation because you ate a “turkey” but maybe a negative side like slowness to balence it out and add to the turkeyness.
  8. Like going into a food coma for the slowness
    VoidDistortion likes this.
  9. I like this idea, giving cooked turkey some use. I've always been curious why there's a few collectors items on EMC with almost no functionality.

    (Dragon stone fragments, I'm looking at you...)
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  10. Slow Falling Effect or levitation effect would be cool...

    slow falling is obtained by phantom membranes, so turkey's would make the effect considerably less rare, however, useful

    Levitation would be cool, but I think another custom item already does this, but I might be totally wrong
    FadedMartian likes this.
  11. You're right there's a potion of levitation from enraged/miniboss witch, but I think it should actually do something different... I'm not sure what. It can be really cool tho
  12. give it speed 2 for 3 or 5 second and instant eat like haunted candy

    or a high jumpboost (5-6)
  13. I think you have a good idea. Eat Cooked Turkey and it temporarily makes you "sleepy" for a short amount of time(some effect like slow movement, slow attack, partially blind, for ten seconds?), but also resets the number of nights since you slept last. The advantage would be to keep the Phantoms away.
  14. I like giving the cooked turkey an effect. :+1:
    There is already firey foods.... but there is no food that gives slow falling - just the potion from phantom membranes. Since turkeys can fly (better than chickens) maybe that works story-wise. :cool:
    VoidDistortion and TomvanWijnen like this.
  15. Love this idea! I avoid cooked turkey for this very reason.