[Suggestion] Frontier -> Spawn Warp

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Roslyn, Mar 3, 2018.


You likeee?

Yus 12 vote(s) 92.3%
NOIYUUU!!! 1 vote(s) 7.7%
  1. I want to suggest a special compass/any other item you can buy with tokens that is a 1 time consumable that brings you back to Town/Spawn from anywhere in Frontier.

    Cost: 5k - 15k Tokens.
    Cool Down - 8 hours. To prevent those users who can efficiently farm or gather tokens from abusing this feature.

    This would give a viable meaning for tokens and would encourage group-mini boss hunting in the Smps or more group mining activity. Currently tokens have no real use besides their supposed planned use in the Empires Feature but I think this would be a great sink in the meantime.

    Give me your feedback :)
  2. I like this idea, it’s like an escape rope from Pokemon :p
  3. I like this- it’s kinda like an escape rope. Something to spend all my tokens on too :p
    Sachrock and FadedMartian like this.
  4. Sounds like a great system :)
    Sachrock likes this.
  5. Maybe the price could vary based on how far out you are?

    I don't know how this would really work though. I guess if you use the /town command, it could give the same message saying you can't teleport, as well as a thing that you can click to actually teleport back to the nearest outpost, saying how much it is. And then if you try to use it again within the cool down period, it just won't come up. But even then, the pricing would have to be decided on.

    It could be like 2 token per 5 blocks, so a 10k teleport to the nearest outpost would be 4k tokens. But I know some bases are over 100k blocks out, so there would have to be a cap or have it decrease more and more the further away you got, like a y=100*sqrt(x) graph (ish).

    Just an idea :p
    ttyler333 likes this.
  6. It's up to the devs, but my thoughts are as follows and I will say so if they ask me.

    If we enacted this, it would have curse of binding so it couldn't be sold to other players or possibly not even be a tangible item, be extremely higher cost than you list, and wouldn't come out until after the more important original update to token stuff anyway.

    I have no desire to support this feature to the devs at this time. We need to focus our efforts towards updates that align with our survival vanilla sundae with sprinkles model. Teleportation does not.
  7. You say at this time; does this mean there is a small chance of it in the future then?
  8. I like the idea of this
  9. As stated, we need to focus on the features that are currently on the docket, one of which addresses this specific issue, but tied to empires.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  10. Bump. Just curious to see what others think about this still
    SkeleTin007 and ttyler333 like this.
  11. I am more interested in placing more bases in the frontier as being 100k out and flying 100k+ blocks is not fun... but if you're further than that, its even worse. The idea is a good one and I like the idea of "the further out you are, the higher the costs." I do also understand krysyy's point and wish empires was already released. I, personally, wish we could have flight 4 or flight 5 rockets. If not, have emc slow down the fly speed just a tad but allow us to fly longer and / or descend slower. This prevents quick chunk loading and would allow us to easily relax and launch a rocket every-so often.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  12. I'm not a fan, sorry.

    All this does is give more ("easier") ways to make more money (we all know what this is going to be used for!) for older players while - within this same line of thinking - would put newer players at an even bigger disadvantage.

    Of course I realize that this isn't a black/white kind of situation, I mean there are many of us who use the options we can to make both a quick buck as well as help out newer players (in my opinion Skare's res on SMP4 is a very good example of this).

    Even so... Us older veteran players (with 300k tokens under our belt) would get a rather (in my personal opinion): insane advantage while others don't. I don't think that's fair nor fun.

    Rumor has it (note: for me stuff is a rumor until is has actually been released) that the upcoming Empires feature will also provide a way to teleport back and forth from your outpost. So I'm afraid that this feature would conflict with that. The reason I'd favor outpost teleportation over this is because the first would probably be a mutual advantage (at least I hope that's going to happen).

    I wouldn't even mind if the teleport feature would only apply to outposts which have (for example) 5+ members but not the smaller ones. Or... perhaps made the token requirement up to a level where it's more beneficial if you have more people chipping in rather than seeing your own tokens zip away.

    (I realize those could be controversial topics, but please note that this is just my opinion on the matter. I favor good gameplay over easier gameplay).

    As to putting tokens to good use: there's still /tbuy to get yourself an avalauncher :)

    Just my 2 cents.
  13. Is this a yes no or a maybe?