[Suggestion] Fix Enraged Silverfish Fire

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Dreacon78, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. Hoping this is ok to bring up as I only found one other thread talking about the enraged silverfish.

    I think that the fire from an enraged silverfish shouldn't be able to destroy the drops they leave when they die. I have heard plenty of people mention how they kill one only to have the fire they leave behind destroy the drops the leave on death. Is there any way to make it so the fire only hurts you and not everything else? People have tried using water to help reduce or stop the fire buildup, but then it seems to nerf the drops.

    I have had my fair share of run ins with those fiery demons and never died, but I am pretty sure drops have been lost to the flames they leave everywhere in a fight. Is there any way to make it so they don't destroy their own drops?
    unixbrain and UltiPig like this.
  2. You forgot this: :cool:
  3. lol :cool::cool:
  4. So many times have I seen this and I have a stack of heads. So much lost lol
    unixbrain likes this.