[Suggestion] Dirt Stick

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by GreenMeanie, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. So I was mining in the waste a while back, and I stumbled upon a strange looking object that was stuck in the wall.

    I pulled on it for hours, thinking that is was a generic brand Excalibur, but it just didn't look right. I gave up. I felt defeated. But... I heard a whisper coming from the cave, telling me to keep trying. So I did.

    I summoned the strength of 20 ender dragons, and pulled the object from the wall. I must've pulled too hard, because I ended up breaking it in half. It was a stick.

    This wasn't just any normal stick... It looked to have somewhat of a shine to it, and it felt very dirty. There was just something special about this stick.. I just knew it.

    I was determined to find the true purpose of this thing, so I did the only thing that I knew would fix it. I brought it to Sorgina. She told me that she would repair the stick, but that there would be a cost. I told her that I was willing to deal with the consequences. This is when everything started to go wrong.

    She gave me the repaired stick and it immediately felt like it needed to be used. I read the description of the item, and it told me to right click with the stick in my hand.

    I clicked the stick, but nothing happened. I looked at my chat and it told me "try looking at the ground next time". I looked at the block below my feet, and I tried again. "You looked too far down...", said the stick. So I looked at the wall on the other side of the room, and I tried again.

    POOF!!! A block of dirt appeared. I thought to myself, "This is amazing!! Free dirt". I started using it everywhere. To fill in creeper holes that people leave everwhere, to help make farms for people, and even a dirt castle that I should've submitted to the build team.

    Everything was great for a while, until I checked my rupee balance. It was almost empty.

    I was outraged. I felt cheated. But I remembered that Sorgina said that it cost me something. She must've meant that it used my rupees.

    I brought the stick back to her, and told her to destroy it. "This thing is a curse", I told Sorgina. She laughed at me for falling for her tricks, and proceeded to destroy the stick.

    That was years ago, and now I have a sizable rupee balance. I also am on a mission to collect 1000DCs of dirt. I am willing to deal with the fact that it takes my rupees... I just want that stick back.

    Developers of EMC.. Please help me :)

    Footnote: This is just a stick that, when you right click it, it places a block of dirt for 1r.
  2. +1
    This is an amazing idea.
    ConductorConduit and UltiPig like this.
  3. But why...
    Because there isn't enough dirt already...
  4. -1 sounds pointless to me
    sonicol likes this.
  5. That's the point
    ConductorConduit likes this.
  6. Why not? Besides the aspect of coding it, what would be the downside to it?
    UltiPig likes this.
  7. Spamming rupee logs for no good reason. That is the main reason that comes to mind.
  8. Every good has its necessary consequence.
  9. I would like a dirt stick, does it come with other flavors?
  10. +1 if my Cheese Block suggestion is taken seriously
    ConductorConduit likes this.