[Suggestion] Contest improvements

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by jewel_king, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. So far this year we have had a contest with new month, which has been great, there have been some really cool entries to them, but looking at these contests + ones from past years, they all fall into a few categories, Art, Writing, Building and forums, which are all great, and I'm in no way saying we should get rid of these

    but it would be great if we could also have some contests that appeal to other sections of players :)
    some examples could be like Progryck's recent player run contest, which among other things, challenged players to speedrun the holiday event,
    Another example could be highest Simon says round reached during the timespan of the contest,
    fastest time to clear 1v100, etc

    There are a lot of possibilities :) would love to see perhaps alternating between current types, and this type
  2. Deal.
    You write up the first contest you want run and I will help you set it up or get it going, and I will even see if I can help wrangle up a themed prize for it. There's nothing saying that we players can't put the first contest out there and let staff steal it from us :cool:, I mean if it goes well, that is.
    MoreMoople and FierendenMDS like this.
  3. I actually already tried :) https://empireminecraft.com/threads/event-climb-to-the-top-over-2-dcs-of-promo-prizes.84105/page-2

    It went alright, I think I set the entry barrier to high with the map being in singleplayer (for some reason I labeled it event not contest, no idea why, contest is more accurate lol)

    I may be down to do another one at some point, but also I can't participate if Im hosting :(
  4. Ah. That *parkour* stuff you like. Well as you know, I fall down really, really well. But other stuff...

    I have been contemplating a scavenger hunt type event. But I've yet to finish fleshing it out.
    And years ago GamingComander had that blacked out maze in the wild with all the tnt and pressure plates. That was wild...