[Suggestion] Commodities Stock Ticker (avg sell prices)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Robbi_J, May 10, 2016.

  1. You already can gauge that with azoundrias tool. It just isnt automated
    Robbi_J and Eviltoade like this.
  2. Which, no offence, is equivalent to purchasing stocks based on yesterdays newspaper.
    xHaro_Der, Blondekid42 and Eviltoade like this.
  3. except for that is how real life works, usually you make decisions based on the previous days data. atleast if you are day trading.

    very few brokers or traders make choices based on the limited data of the news of the day as of 9:30 (when the exchange opens)

    in addition my example still happens irl with those changes when terrorist attacks happen and people buy out all of the ammo in stores it causes stores to go out of business sometimes, limiting people to shop at the big chains that can resupply faster.
    (just an obvious example but it happens for alot of other goods as well)
    i dont think its a healthy part of the american economy and i would rather not see it function that way here.
    Robbi_J likes this.
  4. I'd like to see this because it would also allow newer players to see an average price and not just run to the flashiest mall near them that would rip them off.

    Robbi_J likes this.
  5. the problem with that is most new players dont know about the extra things available to them, more then likely they will continue to use /shop and post prices like diamonds for 50r skewing the numbers of whatever algorithm would be present
    Robbi_J likes this.
  6. Not all players go to /shop, I for one haven't, since when you spawn on your plot there is a sign that states the shop is overpriced. This detered me and I'm sure it has detered other players. I have looked around at the larger shops on smp3 for ideas on how to price when I open shop. Having something like what was purposed above would have been a great resource to have and would've saved me time that could have been spent on better things.
    Robbi_J and Wither_Addict like this.
  7. you are the minority of new players trust me. and even so there is already a tool that essentially does what you want, just not in real time
    Robbi_J likes this.
  8. bitemenow15 likes this.