[Suggestion] Broadcast sign

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Tuqueque, Mar 17, 2017.



YES! 4 vote(s) 57.1%
Ye 1 vote(s) 14.3%
Ya...no... 2 vote(s) 28.6%
  1. Similar to [message] sign, but it would broadcast the message in /c r for everyone in the res to see

    It would be triggered by a rightclick from an admin from the res or via a redstone signal

    Suggested Ideas:

    Apear in screen as title message
    Cooldown before another Broadcast message can happen
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. If i could just use chat, would I have suggested it? No, right?

    Well my idea if for example, when a player enters a part of my event res, it will tell all players that *a secret has been discovered* or something... So a message sign that appears in res chat for everyone in the res that can be triggered by redstone(or admin players on the res(maybe its own player res flag))
  3. I'm guess your suggestion is a sign that would show a message on screen, throughout the res, in a similar fashion to the way "The area is getting colder..." and "Netherhound howls for assistance!" pops up -- where it shows up both in chat and across the screen to see (as opposed to /resshout, which differentiates your text colour so you can announce things), and how those messages show for everyone in an area, rather than a specific person.

    Not sure if it's possible to create a sign that does that or not, but I don't see the harm in it :).
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Bump
    yeah, so when someone opens a secret chest, it says to erveyone The passage has been opened(triggered by a trapped chest)
  5. The issue is to make it only work on Chat Res. But then there should be a Time Limit so one can not make one and spam it on a res.... Maybe a way in /ps to ignore it on different servers? Or a way to ignore that message like the way the /ignore works where its only for a set time, and does expire.

    Can get a bit in the way if you have that in your face, if you get what i mean.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. If doable in the way John explained it, then +Pizza
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. A cooldown would be definetaly needed here(maybe for a sign it can only be triggered once every minute or so(random number).... I dont think a /ignore would be good, but could be added. If someone is having an event, they could remember the participants to to turn off the ignore option
  8. Well you can currently use chat to do exactly what you just said.
  9. No... I can not be at multiple places at once checking for everything i have to monitor.
  10. So setup residence locations to check them. Or perhaps an extremely basic redstone circuit. Everything you're saying here is easily do-able with a chat message.
  11. not if I aint online! Or if im playing myself, so I cant know what to monitor, and it would be cheating, so yeah
    TomvanWijnen likes this.