[Suggestion] Birthday Presents!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Sonicx82903, Jun 15, 2017.



Poll closed Jun 16, 2017.
What is a birthday? 3 vote(s) 50.0%
Old cake? whipped icing 3 vote(s) 50.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I think people should be able to submit their birthday to EMC and get a present on their birthday! Like just a nice player specific present. I think it would be a great idea. Only people who register on forums and submit their birthday should get the present of course!
    ShelLuser and WardleDeBoss like this.
  2. Would require lots of work. And then you get I to the issue where people will use it to make profit...
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  3. I actually have had this idea. Well not a custom bday for everyone, but a /promo thing that is claimable every 364 days a year, so you claim it on your bday, and get a bday prize each year
  4. What if we just selected a set date to celebrate everyone's birthday?

    People use everything to make a profit, it's not an issue it's an economic server.
  5. I think it's a good idea, Just it would take a lot of work but there's already a link between the forums and the server otherwise the /register command wouldn't detect when you sign up (Don't quote me, I'm not 100% sure).

    As finch said,
    However I don't agree with that. It could be an issue but if people value the community and EMC doing something player specific, You'll want to keep it. Instead of going for a player specific ITEM, I'd use the system EMC already has (Vote bonus 100 reward). It would be changed of course to say "Happy Birthday [Player] from EmpireMinecraft" That way it would remain player specific (In a way). Also why would you sell it for profit? Everyone would get one eventually so why pay for one when you can get it for free if you wait?
    sonicx82903 and Tuqueque like this.
  6. Well you can get a promo for free every holiday if you wait, or you can buy multiple ones? You could get the Chocolate Egg for free, but people like to have duplicates. People collect stuff.
    WardleDeBoss and sonicx82903 like this.
  7. I personally think if you just had a system to do it on your specific set birthday it wouldn't be to difficult, I don't think.
    EmpireMall and WardleDeBoss like this.
  8. If people want to do that, It's up to them. If people want to sell it, They can. After all EMC is an economy server.
    mjnoe70, Tuqueque and EmpireMall like this.
  9. Fantastic response. I think all of EMC wants this. Lets get some staff involved and see if we can make it happen.
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  10. If this was added, It would show the community that EMC cares about it's members (Not saying EMC doesn't care about members in the first place). I just feel that it would bring the community closer together.
    My opinion, I don't expect everyone to agree with me here.
    sonicx82903 likes this.
  11. Birthdays are only set on the forums at the moment. There would have to be an entire code sysyem put in place for this ingame, not to mention adjustments to an auto-mail system when it recognizes the day. Then another system to keep players from changing their bday to abuse it. Then something in place so that the players with the first bdays dont have an economic advantage. Id be cool with a normal cake in /promo to be claimed once a year, but that's likely going to upset players that think all special items have to be custom colored and really isn't sentimental at that point....the list goes on...

    We have our annual cake day for the server on July 25th. Big cake, candles, etc. You are more than welcome to celebrate on that day and if you send me a notice on your forum bday, I'll usually send a cake, or if i notice in events/statuses. It's the thought that counts, but what happens when you take away that thought? An automatic machine makes it less special.
  12. I like this idea a lot :) +400
  13. I disagree. No thought is being taken away, If anything it's even more special as it's coming from the community.
    sonicx82903 likes this.
  14. It's not though. The community is the people, not some code that gives it with no thought or personal touch. It's like getting those happy birthday emails from stores. Good for a free item, but it's not like you're touched they remembered.

    Now I'm not saying it won't happen, but it's definitely not going to be super easy or super soon.
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  15. I want a cake every year. Chocolate.
  16. What about strawberry?
  17. There can be strawberry ice cream cake.
  18. Want it to be themed, too?
  19. ....today is my bday happy bday to meeeeeeeeeee
    AncientTower and sonicx82903 like this.
  20. Wait really? So is mine lol. It's also Tupac's.
    AncientTower likes this.