(Suggestion) Anniversary suggestions

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Astromath1959, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. I was just thinking. How about giving out gifts based on date of joining. However, there must be one condition: you must log on at least once a day (even if only for a couple minutes). This condition is to help in two aspects. One is to get people to play on EMC and two is to encourage people not to get banned.

    I'm basing my suggestions on the traditional anniversary gift list.
    Year      Traditional Gift     Suggested Gift
    1st       paper                1 SC of paper
    2nd       cotton               1 SC of wool of various colors
    3rd       leather              1 SC of leather
    4th       fruit/flowers        1 SC of various fruit and flowers
    5th       wood                 1 SC of various wood items
    6th       iron                 1 SC of iron bars
    7th       wool/copper          1 DC of wool of various colors or 1 SC of copper bars
    8th       bronze               (not sure on this one, any ideas?)
    9th       pottery              1 SC of terracotta of various colors
    10th      tin/aluminum         (not sure on this one, any ideas?)
    11th      steel                1 stack of netherite
    12th      silk                 1 SC of Silk Touch enchanted books
    13th      lace                 (not sure on this one, any ideas?)
    14th      ivory                1 SC of goat horns
    15th      crystal              1 SC of quartz
    20th      porcelain            1 DC of quartz
    25th      silver               1 SC of enchanted iron bars(?)
    30th      pearl                1 SC of ender pearls
    35th      coral                1 DC of various coral of various colors
    40th      ruby                 1 DC of redstone
    45th      sapphire             1 DC of lapis lazuli blocks
    50th      gold                 1 DC of gold bars
    55th      emerald              1 DC of emeralds
    60th      diamond              1 DC of diamonds
    75th      diamond/gold         1 DC of diamonds & 1 DC of gold bars
    85th      moonstone            1 DC of enchanted diamonds(?)
    Feel free to make changes. This list will definitely change as minecraft adds items over the next several years.
  2. I actually like the idea, but I feel like the items should be a bit more special, given that EMC is only turning 11 this year. Perhaps some type of item similar to a voters tool/banner/commemorative paper (like the one received at bonus 100) Also, I'd be against having it based on having to log in every day as some people have to be away for extended periods. Maybe it could be based on how many hours you were logged in the previous 365 days, or just give them out to everyone.
  3. You have a fair point.
  4. There should also be a reward system based on play time (be online for a certain amount of time, like 5 hours in a week, and get rupees/tokens/something). When EMC first started, the daily rupee bonus was 10 rupees per hour or something.
  5. this will draw even more player who want to join with us! bliriant !
  6. I don't think this would be good. It reminds of the way most free games for mobile phones work nowadays, where they try to get you to come back every day by having rewards build up. Addiction-prone people will spend more time in the game than they would like to, and once they finally take a break they will take a break for good, as they have oversatisfied their interest in EMC.