Howdy everyone! I believe it is important for the community to have a say in whether or not their gender is displayed on their EMC Forums account and I believe at one point in the distant past, we used to be able to unselect a gender, but now, we don't seem to have that ability. I was wondering if we could have the ability to simply have an "undefined", "null", or "other" option that is a choice in account settings on the forums for us to select or chose to change to rather than simply male or female. I would like this to remain unpolitical and EMC-appropriate. This is merely a suggestion thread and not a controversial thread. I am a Martian, and there are not alien genders, therefore, I request there be an additional option of simply "Other" or similar we can change our gender to, as we can no longer have no gender if we have previously entered our gender on the forums ~ faded
hmm seems in Xenforo 1.x they only allow Male, Female, and unspecified, but in Xenforo 2.x it requires an admin-created field to be able to define various genders I know EMC is on Xenforo 1.x and therefore will probably not easily add a "Other" gender, so I would ask that Aikar or any Staff member who ever can, at least remove my gender from my forums account, that is sufficient for me I appreciate it
I think this is a great idea, you should be able to select pronouns too (which can be displayed on profile) he, she, they, and other. +1
Hey there. I don't know what the difficulty in expanding this is. But if you message Senior Staff we can change one's gender to unspecified. It appears to be a bug that a user cannot do this for themselves.