[suggestion] a little more currency, xp and level information

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by mjnoe70, Apr 21, 2017.


For my fellow players, please select as many as you want....

Yes, to all... 5 vote(s) 55.6%
I think the currency addition would be the best idea 4 vote(s) 44.4%
I think the tracking of my best life time and monthly rank would be nicest addition 2 vote(s) 22.2%
I would like to see my in game level and highest play level on the web site 2 vote(s) 22.2%
No opinion/no difference to me 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Waste of time to to do any... 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I think it would be nice if my profile/status that shows my rupees and tokens (or even just the history page) had a couple extra figures on them.

    Ideally, the more information you can give someone, the more it will attract people to the web site and server. People love to show off accomplishments...

    Total Rupees Income
    Total Rupees Spent (if I had income and balance I can calculate this one, but seems easy for the program to do it)
    Highest Rupee Balance

    Same three for tokens, though less important today, than when tokens do get even more use...

    The prior currency seem pretty possible to do with information already stored in the system rupee and token history, but moving that data to a field and updating it as things happen may speed it up over recalculating each time. The next ones are likely much tougher and would likely require new data fields.

    Kind of the same for XP, in addition to the current notations of life time and monthly earned, the highest life time position held would be cool to know. I mean someone could have made it to number one but has not been able to remain as active, etc... maybe best monthly rank ever achieved would be cool to keep too.

    This last idea may be very hard to pull off but highest and current level IN GAME would be a nice addition. This is also very low on my desired update.

    I realize all is based on time, importance and access to information. I'd write the updates myself but I'm not on the development staff so I will simply ask and hope! Not sure what you guys are using as far as ASP, JScript, PHP, Perl or Sencha but I have done some development in all.

    Thanks for your consideration,
    Zrugite and crafter31211 like this.
  2. Tbh I would just be happy with a way to export rupee history to an excel sheet
    Bunjimon348, FadedMartian and mjnoe70 like this.
  3. Is this what you mean?https://empireminecraft.com/leaderboard/texp_life/
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  4. If it could be turned off then +1 Some people don't like others to know their rupee balance :)
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  5. Kaptrix, I noted "in addition to the current notations of life time and monthly earned" so yes and no. I was more looking at this

    Here is a horrible, fast mock up I did just to give an idea. I could be on its own page in my empire, under my profile or any place that holds and shows this type of information. Heck, it could be that when you do rupee history it shows the rupee info and token info when you do token history. I am just noting information that would be a nice to know about my play accomplishments while on EMC.

    This was on personal sign in page thought only, maybe only in "my empire" but was intended for personal use only, not public.
  6. Oh, when you said status I thought it meant in the little mini profile that shows when I click on your avatar it'd show there. Thanks for clearing it up :)
  7. I don't really like this as much. It makes it seem like the whole goal of the server is to get a lot of rupees and would make players a lot more likely to hoard them.
    TuqDufRhySmp8, mjnoe70 and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Thanks for the feedback AdinD, everyone will see this a bit different and has a right to that opinion. One note to make is that you don't have to hold them to have had and spent a fortune. Also, it is important to note, this is for you only, no one else will know this info unless you tell them. So its not meant for competition. I wanted to know my own impact on the economy in my first 80 days here.

    On top of it, it does also show the in game accomplishments based on the highest level achieved and your ranks based on the best position in any month and overall that you have held as a player.

    However, to be fair, one of the goals that someone may have is to get a lot of rupees and hoard them which is a fine goal. Among others of being a supporter goal, reaching some level in game, having an active settlement, multiple residences, getting all the heads of the staff or any number or reasons you would play MC or more importantly EMC.

    NOTE to all: my end thought of this is that kind of profile page you get with MMO and to get more players in to joining in on the web-site and forum activities by having more for them do to and look at as a reason to join us all.
  9. Why is it needed if it's only for personal use? If that's the case, can't you just start an Excel spreadsheet. Using your rupee history already and keep records sorted. So you'll know the amount you spent and earned.
    I'm going to give this a -1 for the website but a +1 for a good idea. However I personally don't care what my top rupee amount was or how much I've spent.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  10. you can use EMC Shopkeeper to do what you are asking...
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  11. Please try not to exclude the other items being tracked. ...and the idea was a snapshot everyone could have without the extra side work.

    In only about 80 days I have 394 pages of rupee history, that is not easy to get to Excel...

    Though I have "barely used" the shop keeper, I was not sure what it fully can or cannot do and if it excludes any non-shop transactions which may be auctions or voting. I'm assuming this will only do the $R aspect of my notes also, not in game levels, best ranks in the xp charts and so on...
  12. You do way to many transactions. I've got almost 2 years of transaction and I'm only @ 134 pages. Maybe I need to step up my game.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  13. Ya, it took hours for the shopkeeper to get through my history when I did it about 3 weeks ago...
    FadedMartian and AncientTower like this.
  14. bumping this hoping to get more feedback...

    This is not any required stuff, but starts to give you that MMO feel due to playing on a specific server. It rewards you with information like what you have done and accomplished. I think many would like that.
  15. The thing is EMC is not based around only who has the most rupees, or spent the most.... It revolves around the community with the town+other worlds, and player your way, then the currency...
    ShelLuser and mjnoe70 like this.
  16. -1 Most people just don't really care much about small things like this. After 4+ years of being on the empire I couldn't care less what my lifetime rupee balance is, or what my highest texp place I have ever been.
    mjnoe70 and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  17. Bumping again for more feedback pro or con...

    Please keep in mind this is a general suggestion and would be more information than just "rupee" things though reviews tend to go that way. Adding your opinion is part of what does make EMC great and a community. Since all players will want different things and see things different ways there are going to be many mixed opinions. For those players who are longer time in EMC that actively have friendships and use the message boards, this is a new way to start attracting newer players to be more involved, jump on the web site and possibly stay.

    Everyone loves to have information and results presented to them. After 11 years in WoW I could care less about the achievements but it was still something they offered. Many people enjoyed trying to get them which included in game and monetary things also.
  18. Eh, since there were some "negative" comments, I figured I'd add my word in too: I'd very much like this! This is the kind of information I would really like to know! +2 from me. :)
    mjnoe70 likes this.