Strange things going on with my rupees[Closed]

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by gollark, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. Sorry! I replied a few seconds after you did and I didn't realize you posted, and that happens to me way too much in auctions. :(
  2. But he said he was offline at 36 minutes ago.
  3. Yes.Look at the image in the first post.I was offline then.
  4. Guys I know a solution. Check the chat logs from the time he was "offline" and compare it to other times when he was online and compare the grammar.
    princebee and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. It WAS someone in your house. You can deny that all you want dude, but its the truth. There are two other unlikely situations though. Someone could have hacked the EMC logs, and editted your IP into it. If thats the case (extremely unlikely), your little rupee issue is bottom of the priority list lol. The other situation is that someone can control your computer. That is very unlikely also, because what kind of hacker goes for Minecraft over your computer's saved password.

    Overall though, it was from your house.

    ^^ Good idea right hur.
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. Confusing.But what was that ip compared to?A one from a minute earlier or a day earlier?My Mac is the only computer with MC on in the house.
  7. Lets just say EMC's IP logs are very accurate and specific. If the IP logs say it was your IP, it was your IP. :)
  8. No ones trying to argue with you but from all of the above info that you have provided as well as the Mods, you have only a few explanations.

    1. You bought them and are experiencing buyers remorse and trying to get your money back some how.
    2. You left you computer on and someone else bought them while on your computer.
    3. Wizards
    4. Someone has remote access to your laptop and apparently is the worst hacker ever to foil you by buying ender pearls.
  9. It might of been you just trying to get attention. Or you could be lying to get free rupees. From what it looks like. It WAS you.
  10. It
    Why does nobody actually realise that I didn't buy enderpearls.I disconnected when I was on my res,and I don't buy enderpearls from /shop.
  11. Like Jack said, the IP logs don't lie. Whoever logged in and bought them, whether it was you or some other person, had to be connecting from your computer.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  12. But router IPs are the same for every router,or at least that's what I heard.
  13. Don't argue with the great and mighty EMC IP logs, they know it was your computer.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  14. External IPs are the same for per router, but more information than just that is collected whenever you log in to EMC.
  15. Why does nobody believe me?I never buy enderpearls from /shop and don't even remember coming on on the logged transaction time.
  16. MAYBE its a ghost, OoOoOoOoOOOOOoooooooo :p
    Kingofcreeperz1 likes this.
  17. Because all the evidence points the other way perhaps?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  18. Note that "Empire Shop" doesn't always mean /shop, it means an official shop created by a staff member with infinite stock. As Shaun said, chances are you used the enderpearl one at SMP1 spawn.
    mba2012, RainbowChin and PenguinDJ like this.
  19. Maybe it was an accident. Besides, it's 1k. Not a big deal.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  20. Once all explainable situations are eliminated, what remains must be the answer, however improbable.

    I don't think you are a lying.

    You really must consider that 'someone' gained access to your minecraft account and made the purchases. If it was a totally random person, they would not have logged onto your EMC home server. Buying from the EMC store is not profitable to anyone and enderpearls arn't really the most valuable resell item. Therefore I conclude that the butler did it. No! Mr Green, with the wrench, in the library! I knew it!

    Please take steps to secure your account on your end and I don't expect you will ever see it happen again. Also, since even if you can prove it wasn't you, there isn't much anyone is going to do, so don't expect to ever see your r again. :(

    Sorry you had to learn that lesson the hard way and just be glad they didn't spend it all.
    Rainier6 and cddm95ace like this.
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