
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Crazy1080, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. alright, thanks.
  2. So I was looking through Starbound's code when I came across this...
     "objectName" : "spawnerdoctor",
      "rarity" : "Common",
      "objectType" : "wire",
      "description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!",
      "shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner",
      "race" : "human",
      "printable" : false,
      "category" : "spawner",
      "price" : "300",
      "humanDescription" : "An unlimited supply of doctors. Thanks, Obama!",
    I love you, chucklefish.

    Side note, every species is horribly xenophobic to every other species (especially Hylotls) except towards Avians. Huh.
  3. I'm just waiting for it to stop wiping saves and I'll play again
  4. Duke "The Man" Crabtree has started his adventure!

    He's not the luckiest of folks.