I am pretty sure that everyone didn't join at the same hour, just on different days. If you /p anyone, it only displays days and minutes from their first sign-in, along with last vote and sign-in.
Ok I see the bug in time display.... Code: if (seconds < 86400) { Long count = (long) Math.ceil(seconds / 3600); String res; if (count > 1) { res = count + " hours"; } else { res = "1 hour"; } if (!second) { return res + ", " + formatTime(seconds % 3600, true); } return res; } Long count = (long) Math.ceil(seconds / 86400); String res; if (count > 1) { res = count + " days"; } else { res = "24 hours"; } if (!second) { return res + ", " + formatTime(seconds / 86400, true); } Accidently did / 86400 instead of % 86400
Ok I just pushed out 3 more fixes Hopefully players with underscore will now have their name clickable in chat and staff will have their * (ie: just_five_fun) Fixed a bug that's been plaguing players who change their difficulty setting resulting in them playing on level 1 when they tried to go higher, resulting in no token loss Fixed the use of hours after days in Time Unit Display as said above.
For the time fix, I think something else is wrong. I am seeing just the old format, no minutes at all, and no hours for the players who have been gone for more than a day.