Something I will be doing and want to show the community

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CrownOfEgypt, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. I think our secrets have been revealed.... if someone replies to us we are s-oh right. Oops lol :3
    Also #EG2012 and don't forget to eat waffles with taco sauce because no one will be able to see this.... ever :p
  2. I still do, tell everyone :p
  3. #Ben102012 Lol
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Haha, well on the first 2 I was trying to make some jumps and land on netherrack but instead overestimated my jump length and fell into the lava pool. I kept losing expensive pickaxes that were used for obsidian generating. The next time I died was because I was jumping like an idiot instead of walking and fell through a hole where the lava pool greeted me once more. The last 2 times were me trying to cross a lava pool using the "shift" key then my ring finger got tired and instead of letting go of the "w" key I let go of the "shift" key.

    And, yes I do have a starbucks habit. :)
    Pab10S and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. Last log of 4 days is up!