Someone sent me a very generous email...

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by BeachHead_56, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. But I had to sign off shortly after I received it and can't remember who sent it. It contained 8 pairs of stretchy pants. I'd like to know who it was so I can either thank them or return them if they sent it in error. Anyway to look in a log somewhere to see who it was from? It was in the last 7 days.


    607 likes this.
  2. If you check your Minecraft log files you should be able to do so. Assuming default launcher on Windows, you'll want %appdata%\.minecraft\logs\date-you-claimed-the-mail.log.gz. If you need help finding this or opening this, let me know - but I think you'll be able to get that no troubles ;)
    607 and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Thanks, took bit of digging (multiple computers and accounts), but I found the player...will attempt to contact them
    607 and Tuqueque like this.
  4. Nice inquiry, and nice solution. :)

    Also, not knowing (having forgotten, most likely) about this promo I was confused a little. :p