So what is the coolest block in Minecraft?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Aug 2, 2015.


What is the coolest block in Minecraft?

Poll closed Sep 2, 2015.
Ice (duh!) 11 vote(s) 39.3%
Beacon / Nether Star 3 vote(s) 10.7%
Stone blocks (cobble, stone, diorite, etc.) 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Wood blocks (logs, planks, stairs, etc.) 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Ore / Ingot blocks (coal, iron, gold, etc.) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Wool blocks (purrty colours!) 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Clay blocks (grey, hardened, stained, etc.) 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Slime blocks (bouncy!) 6 vote(s) 21.4%
Redstone (related) blocks (dust, repeaters, dispensers, etc.) 3 vote(s) 10.7%
Glass blocks 1 vote(s) 3.6%
  1. My mixtape

    sorry lol
  2. Seeing how your mixtape contains no heat, I'd say it is pretty cool.