So A Question for You Redstone Masters

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dreacon78, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. So I have been looking on Youtube a bit lately and noticed that they have been releasing designs for auto sorters that use rails and observers instead of the old way of building a sorter. What I am curious to know is if this works on EMC or not? I know some designs in the past have not been fully functional on EMC due to mods, server setup, and what not so I thought I would check and see before I started the process of redesigning my sorter on my res. If I am allowed to post the link to the video I will post it in a follow on comment so everyone (especially staff) can see it.

    Also on a side note, if anyone has a design that is lag friendly that they are willing to share ( and possible let me make a schematic of it ) I would be greatly appreciative.

    Well hope you all are having a great day/night/weekend.

  2. Observers and rails updating signals works on EMC, so thats not going to be the problem if any RS build doesnt work
  3. I ma personally using TangoTek's design for my sorter: It's not the lagg-friendliest when running but it compact, scielent and, for me importand, easy to decorate. You can find that one here:

    If you are looking for a more lagg-friendly design when running, I suggest gnembon's design:
    I personally don't really like it, as it creates one giant wall of chests, but thhat can be what you're looking for.
    Noth of them should work on emc. Tango's I ahve seen at other people's bases, I can test genembon's for you if you really want to, but, it is a really robust system, it shouldn't break.
    Both of them should be lagg-friendly when not running and both of them will break when you unload the chuncks when they are running.
    Also, if you're looking for some deep-storage: the usual full huppers pointing into full chests system can be really laggy, due to the hopper checking every 1/20th of a second if it can put items in the chest, and check every single slot. I have made a design that locks the hoppers when there are no items flowing, significantly inproving the lagg-friendlyness.
    Lastly, if you're looking for a non-stackable item sorter too (system that separates all the different non-stackable items in to different chests) I have a design for that too, but it gets really really bulky, as you're using effects an item has (a shulker box is the only item that can't be put in a shulker box, a potion is the only item that can be put in a brewer that doesn't have space on top etc.)