Smp9 Public Stone Gen

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Deathtomb8953, May 1, 2013.

  1. what he said
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  2. List of materials added to OP

    And to every one looking to have on built for them self, you can either attempt to make one or use mine or Randomzhfound on smp1

    But im not looking to build any for any one, any time soon as i have a million projects on the goo and not enough time as is to finish them

    and due to time and effort of building these would be a little costly materials wise and my time wise. also if i do agree to build on for you at a cost to be discussed i would require all materials provided and the work space pre cleared
  3. T...T..That alot of materials.....
  4. your stone gen is amazing! thank you death for making this and the mods for making this grief proof :)
  5. where did you get the design?
  6. my head. im told its simliar to randomzh's on smp1 but that was only after he/she saw mine. As the move on there stone gens res is off like mine. But i spent 48 hours on emc making the design rebuilt the thing 4 times
  7. can you post a picture of the gen plz?
  8. I think I broke something :(
    It seems to not regenerate the stone, but 1 blocks at a time in like 5 secon intervals :confused:

    Sorry if I accidentally broke something (which I believe is impossible to do)

    EDIT: nvm this post.... had a major lag spike :p causing this lol
  9. Not only is this a bump but it includes some humor of smp9's lag!