
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheFryedmans, Jun 7, 2018.


Is Smp8 cursed

Poll closed Jun 10, 2018.
Yea 17 vote(s) 70.8%
No 5 vote(s) 20.8%
I hope not 2 vote(s) 8.3%
  1. Why dose it say a message when you do /Smp8?
    Is there some sort of curse in that server?
    FadedMartian and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Long story.
    607, no_thing, khixan and 2 others like this.
  3. smp8 isn't really considered....'normal'
    607, no_thing, khixan and 2 others like this.
  4. If you don't want to get married, don't go to smp8
    607, no_thing, khixan and 4 others like this.
  5. Blame BurgerKnight
  6. It’s just a magical place that’s all :)
    khixan, FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
  7. That means that we are the best smp of all, thats all
    no_thing and FadedMartian like this.
  8. In conclusion though, smp8 is the best smp
    no_thing, ItsDicey and FadedMartian like this.
  9. Exact same time; It's been proven, we are the best smp
    ItsDicey, FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
  10. aww thanks <3
    JesusPower2 and FadedMartian like this.
  11. forgery :eek:
    I genuinely thought I made a typo in my original post for a second though, you worried me lol
    607 likes this.
  12. hahaha prankd leel but all smps are equal, you can have favorites but all staff favorite every server
    kamirosee likes this.
  13. No SMP7 is my favorite, all the way. I spend more time on SMP7 than any of the others :p

    I still "do" stuff on the other SMPs, but SMP7 has my heart <3
  14. I wouldn't say cursed, more like- odd. ;)
    khixan and ItsDicey like this.
  15. Because they like fish and do strange things there :D

    Absolutely! Most SMP8 players have been affected by the "SMP8 virus" which, so study has shown, can result in very weird and peculiar activities. Amongst which is the drive to throw raw fish at each other and when the other player catches it somehow then you're married, no questions asked. I've even heard rumors about players marrying bricks :D

    It also results in the drive to build huge halls and temples in order to persuade the (not always friendly) native mobby inhabitants to drop some of their stuff. A very popular activity is shaking up the zombie pigmen so much that they'll start dropping their gold nuggets and other items. All of that goes on in the so called "PWU". I'm not too sure but I'll bet it stands for Playable Whacking Unit because this always seems to involve whacking mobs over the head with something :D

    I also remember a great maze which is located around /wild c, and which can give you a pretty fun challenge to try and reach the end. If you even manage to reach the maze that is, because many players have wandered off in the majestic builds you can find there, never to be heard from again :eek: (probably eaten by dragons).

    Oh right, there's also a dragon there somewhere and I think it eats players!

    It's definitely a place you might want to check out for yourself :)
    607, no_thing and khixan like this.
  16. ShelLuser: Making Jokes Into Novels since 2015 or something.

    Man you need a TL;DR section sometimes.
    607 and ChumMiner like this.
  17. There are reasons I tell new players to "Beware of smp8" ;)
  18. SMP3!!!!! WOOO!!!! No? Fine. SMP7 is pretty great too ;)
  19. Smp8 is overrated
    607, ConductorConduit and MoreMoople like this.