smp8 marriage is just amazing

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wonderwoman_16, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. I'm only married to f_Builder_s

  2. I have somehow managed to escape a marriage. :cool:
  3. *ahem*

    Kephras and Dufne like this.
  4. As the number of accidental SMP8 marriages began to approach an unstoppable rate, we at PretendWe'reWorking Labs got down to business designing a cure for this epidemic in fear that it would further spread to other servers. After going through eight days of hard work, several failed products, and a few unfortunate test subjects (most of whom are making a semi-full recovery), we believe that we have found the magic element we've been searching for:

    When thrown at a player, it instantly divorces them of any spouses they may have. The product was tested on notorious SeffyChan, who claims to have captured enough husbands to fill a residence, and was happily declared a success when she "cried evry tiem."
    We at PretendWe'reWorking Labs are not responsible for any happily and purposefully married couples who are divorced by this radical new "Divorce Fish."
    607, ChamelonNYC, Xinn and 4 others like this.