Smp8 Late Night

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Roslyn, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. These tales will return more after the Holiday Season is over. Many are with their families and are absent for the time being.
  2. We went out tonight but it was a quick trip. No Blizzard this time out, 2 holiday chests, and I seemed to be attracting all the witches. Got poisoned twice :p
    Kat also tried to get a pet baby slime. So if anyone knows how to get a baby slime to town or even a little cage in the wild/waste, that's what she wants for xmas ;)
    georgeashington, Deadmaster98 and 607 like this.
  3. Sadly we can't get them in town :(.
    Having a baby slime would be a great use of tokens though... hint hint Aikar ;)
    khixan and 607 like this.
  4. They're just so cute :oops:
    DubChef, khixan and Kephras like this.