smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. What type of server is it though? If it's a Minecraft one then you can't host a website on it.
  2. Website server
  3. Whatever then; I'm able to provide a server for it.
  4. Just thought I'd mention, if you happen to be passing through the station in the west, you'll find that it's in a pretty bad way :p That's my fault as I'm mid way through refurbishing it to make it bigger and nicer. The idea being that it's essentially a grand central station for the west and we can easily add new lines if we want to.

    Also, I've been in discussions with bilbo and we've agreed to make wintermoon island a district of the LLO. We're just working out who will be the representative of it now. Hopefully this will result in good things for wintermoon and the LLO.
    zulu9, BilboBaggins23 and penfoldex like this.
  5. k.

    As long as I can change the name for it :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. Awh, I liked it better when we were just sister outposts. :p
    zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  7. There's not all that much changed in the relationship lel :p
    zulu9 likes this.
  8. So, I've finished the bulk of the work on the new West LLO Central Station. It's fully operational and all I need to do is add a few finishing touches and complete the ceiling.

    It has room for the addition of about 4 new lines, so hopefully that'll be useful in the future. I'm considering linking the station up to the L9RS, however there isn't too much of a point in doing that.

    I've also considered building a new "express" line directly from east to west to make the trip a bit faster and so that'll certainly be connected to this station if I go ahead with that.
  9. Not bad, but what about the sections of LLO outside the borders of any marked district like?:

    • Dry Rock Village
    • Gamerlord's camp
    • Spaskibo(?)'s snow forest
    • Area to the northeast (umbrella inc. i believe its called?)
    • Southern Islands (for example, the turtle/camel?-shaped island near the LLO wall)
    • Artificial island north of Chicken Shores, near a desert (Not so sure if it's even within LLO though).
    also, I propose myself as a potential representative of ??? as I am the only player that has control of a LLO town within ??? (unless you join gamerlord and spaskibo's camps, but even then, neither of them are active).
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  10. Err, aren't you the only resident of Dry Rock Village?
    Gamerlord would be the representative of his camp.
    I've never even heard of Spaskibo's area. Could you point out where it is?
    Umbrella Corp is not LLO. We have no rights to that area and will not become a district.
    Any known active members down in Southern Islands?
    Also did not know that was a place in LLO. Most active resident would be the representative I suppose.
  11. Gamerlord48 hasn't been on for 79 days and so far no activity life going around there.
    Spaskibo's place is up north of gamerlord's place. Same story with gamerlord.
    penfoldex and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  12. Many of those places I don't believe would warrant being a full district (and their being part of the LLO is debatable).

    Also, I'll add you in as the leader of the "???" district. Would you like it to be named Neve Farms?
  13. OK, then
  14. I know it's been a while, but I am still here and kicking, still posting from my mobile, though. I have yet to be able to get a working pc together, as both of my modern systems have fried motherboards. My next idea is to dig out the old xp box and hope for the best. Soon, I hope.I thank you all for being patient with me. Peace!!
    zulu9, mba2012 and penfoldex like this.
  15. Ok, I'm wondering how many people may be free for a meeting this weekend around the usual time? It'd be good now that we are establishing our district system, to have a productive meeting in game with everyone to discuss how we can use this new system to our advantage.
    zulu9, Sunny_Chicken and penfoldex like this.
  16. Ok, I've added Mrlegitislegit as the representative for the East LLO. That means that we're still looking for someone to be the representative of the South-West LLO, otherwise I will just remove it for now.
  17. Can someone post something so I'm not triple posting? :p

    Anyways, there's going to be a meeting at 10:30PM GMT Saturday at the town hall. I've got a fair few things I'd like to discuss so hopefully we can get a good turnout.

    Also, I've completed the roof of the new West LLO Central Station and it looks pretty good. You should all go and check it out some time :p
  18. Guys, there's a meeting now if anyone wants to come :p
  19. My bad. Just saw there was a meeting right now. >_>
    Perhaps we can host one tomorrow or Monday?