smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. For the most part Moderating and hanging out with community in Town/Forums. Work is kinda of busy atm and got night classes so yea but I do have idea for new res build or wild depending how I feel. lol :p
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  2. I've discovered another source of lag around Grand Central: flowing water. Flowing water has to be calculated each time a chunk is loaded, and I think the new 1.8+ code buckles a bit when calculating this. It might be related to how it does its visibility culling. There are a few heavily griefed structures underwater with a lot of chaotic flowing water. I've already done a bit of repair on some of these, but I'm going to do a bit more. I'm also going to rip out a couple of things that are too far gone to repair such as the automated pumpkin farm under White Harbor. The little bit of cleanup I've done already has made a noticeable difference for me.
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  3. Nice additions, btribble. I can't wait to test/map the new changes! :D I've also being doing some rail upgrades. I want to make that whole line that goes from Chicken Tower to the (newly designated) Green Line. So far, I've gotten up to the old Lighthouse.

    It's fine that you did to my sheep farm. I hardly use it anymore.
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  4. Is it OK to create Dry Rock Village shown below?


    I know some of the proposed border overlaps the chicken shores border, i'll see what sunny feels about it.
    Jakres and kitten3101 like this.
  5. I suppose so? What do you intend to do with it?
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Create another LLO town known as "Dry Rock Village".
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Ok, I just want to make a point.

    At this point in time, we have very few active members and too much land. One of the great things about when the LLO was smaller and more active was that nearly everyone would be within 100 blocks of each other and could talk in local chat when it was only a 100 block radius. As the LLO got even more members, it expanded, and at that point in time, that was ok. But now, as I said before, we have a very low population density.

    We honestly don't need any new regions/towns/villages/districts/whatevers in the LLO right now, especially as far away from the central LLO as the proposed "Dry Rock Village" is. If we do manage to start gathering more interest in the LLO, what we need to do is resettle them in the currently abandoned areas of the central LLO. Areas like the desert and out towards the west around the stadium should be our focus areas. In these areas there is a massive amount of space available for development and redevelopment.

    If we can repopulate these areas, then we can look into expanding the LLO. I honestly don't really like the recent trend of people creating their own districts with highly arranged roads and an almost dictatorial control over the area. This isn't going to help the LLO gain interest. One thing I really liked about the LLO in its early days was that we could discuss, and vote if we needed to, on things relating to the expansion and development of the LLO. Everyone had equal input and the LLO grew organically and randomly. Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with having the planned districts that are Northern Edge and Chicken Shore and Yetti Village to an extent, but they engage the community far less and are more likely to attract people who won't really engage with the community and have much input on the development of their surrounding area.

    If we really want to catch people interest in the LLO, they need to be engaged in this development and feel like they have a say on what happened. The recent redevelopment of the red line is a good example, if we do more development like this we could engage and interest people in the LLO and they may be able to offer some very valuable suggestions and help.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that we need to attract people to the LLO by engaging them in the planning and development (and redevelopment) of the outpost. We should try and increase the population density so that there is almost always someone online within 500 blocks of you. If we want to do this, the LLO should be allowed to develop organically and randomly as people build their houses in random places and as we expand the rail system, which like the London Underground is the main catalyst for development of an area of the LLO.

    Personally, I have no problem with Leopard_Knight creating a brand new town, but I doubt it will gain very much interest and will remain a ghost town like much of the LLO is now and will lack the personality and input by many different people that the central LLO has.
    zulu9, Jakres, Philovanrood and 3 others like this.
  8. I suppose. I mean I kind of knew deeply that it'd be like Neve Farms.

    Speaking of neve farms, I declare that neve farms will now operate similar to central LLO in lieu of an authoritarian system used in Chicken Shores/Northern Edge/Yetti Town.

    And I will probably not develop on the proposed Dry Rock Village (I still claim it!).
    Jakres likes this.
  9. On this note, would there be an area I could move to/work on to help encourage this form of development? I always have felt rather alone way out in the swamps, especially now that my group has become inactive, and would like to move in closer to where all the action is :) However, if there is an existing place I could build up/redevelop, I would take that rather than start a new house/build.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Doesn't anyone feels like there are too much buildings I have done in the past around LLO?
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  11. Leopard_Knight and Jakres like this.
  12. Sort of?

    By the way, will there be a meeting on this weekend?
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Well, I mean, I've sort of been building near your area. Expanding a little hidden development for my space ship projects, but if you'd like to move in, there are quite a few derelict houses in District 10, north of the graveyard, that you could fix up and live in.
    Absolutely. Show up. There will probably be cake there, although I might be a little bit late or we'll start a little earlier. We'll see. Time TBD tomorrow.
    Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  14. I won't be able to come to a meeting this weekend as I'll be out camping again :p
    Jakres likes this.
  15. The LLO doesn't need a massive recruitment effort or incentives to join. There is a constant stream of folks that "join". It needs people who want to stick around for more than a couple of weekends. We have plenty of buildings that were build and immediately abandoned. I wish there was an "abandoned build" policy that was compatible with EMC rules. Perhaps we could figure out something going forward? Perhaps as new people join, we ask that they designate an 'heir" to their builds? I'm frankly pretty sick of fixing up empty griefed 4x5 wooden shacks with no clear owner or way of determining where they came from. The same thing goes for abandoned chests. Aikar (or whomever) should unlock locked chests after a predetermined time IMHO. It should be built into the system. If you don't log in for say 4 actual months, your chests become unlocked...
  16. ^^^THIS. ;D
    zulu9, Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  17. Wow, this is huge. Maybe I'll check it out sometime, as I'm not really involved in all that many outposts and this one seems to be pretty darn popular. :) Plus, I like the name Chicken Shores. :p
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  18. Emc rules states that if a player is derelict for 6 months then their locked chest can be unlocked.
    zulu9, Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  19. Bam. No more of that railway that's been on jungle wood planks.
    zulu9 and NevePlaysDota like this.
  20. Sounds great! I don't plan on abandoning my swamp outpost, I just want to have a project closer to the core LLO to feel a bit more involved :) Any building in particular you'd like me to renovate? Or should I go and have a look around for a clearly abandoned house and post it here?
    Jakres likes this.