smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Yeah, I saw some cakes at the grand station

    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  3. Apparently they' do/did
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  4. Yeah, Brit, Sonicol1 and I found it when we were lost. There was probably a broken spot in the floor with a sign that said "Sorry I didn't know you couldn't sleep in the nether" as we jokingly told Sonic to sleep, he did.
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 6 others like this.
  5. Oh yeah, I have my own small nether base, and on the way to that, you pass the Umbrella Corp base. I saw that sign :p
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  6. I might make a return to the LLO soon :p
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  7. I was planning on making my comeback too, i have some "unfinished bushiness" to take care of.
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  8. *dun dun dunnn*
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 4 others like this.
  10. What's wrong with that?
    I didn't see that. Might have been near the fire which I had no intention on going near. >.>
  11. I still think they are up to no good...not like i am either
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  12. You should visit 312 on SMP1 sometime L0tad :)
  13. Made a forum on the new LLO site, if anyone wants to give me some feedback.
  14. I think Havockstorm hasn't been on at all this year…
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  15. Wow, longest thread

    We need to fix the LLO!
    collect12, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  16. Ok, TBH it took a lot of effort for me to be screwed to sign up at the site. I honestly think that anything done on a separate forum site can be done in one thread using the same software. And see, some members won't check those forums so they will not know much of what is happening if everything is posted there.
  17. Ok, so Ive had this amazing idea to help in the case of a griefing. All it is a chest with a few things in it. So it would be called an Emergency Response Kit and it would have some dirt/cobble, a pick, water buckets and food so in the case of a griefing happening and everything is on fire you can go in grab the contents of these and then put out the fires.

    It's a simple, cheap and probably effective defence against long lasting damage.
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 3 others like this.
  18. The only problem with everything posted here is everyone and their uncle jimbob can come look in this thread, "oh hey I'll make my way out there and set it on fire." "Oh that nice library they took the time to make, Up in flames." "Oh you just finished a lovely sky scraper? My eff pick is gonna have fun!"
    collect12, Jakres, DogsRNice and 6 others like this.
  19. When I was a non-supporter I learned that if you right click a bed (to sleep in it in the nether) twice in succession, very quickly, you get an explosion, and your bed back, and survive.
    Sunny_Chicken, Jakres and DogsRNice like this.
  20. Got unwatched... -_-

    Station repaired. Just needed a few minor fixin's, nothing major. :)

    Yeah, there's cake everywhere. :eek:
