smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Yes. I feel bad and like people would say that I'm a horrible pet owner. I always stress how we planned to get her fixed. We had been saving up and then our hot water heater broke and our landlord was a jerk and refused to fix it until we were very behind on our bills. Every time he comes over here to do anything he tries to get the cat to go outside. She ended up getting out when he came to fix our house after the tree hit it and that's when she got pregnant. Everything was fine until just recently. They first started back the Friday or Saturday of Sandy and have been going since then. They really liked laying with my husband in his chair so they seem to crawl up in that chair and then don't wake up. I caught the mom packing the second one upside down that passed and then caught her with this last one. She seems fine just derpy like I said. She's playful and energetic. The others weren't like that.

    Also, only one has been buried so far because I can't do it. I'm too emotional and my husband usually does it even though he gets the same way. I always try to make sure they know they're loved though.
    Jakres and yankees518 like this.
  2. You're not a bad pet owner. I'm a bad pet owner. Atleast, I think I am. I had a really sick axolotl. He was floating, he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't move unless he was poked. I didn't think he would get better, so I stuck my thumb's nail inbetween his body and his head, and pressed down really quickly, so it wouldn't hurt as much. His head came off. He tried to swim away. I always wonder what would have happened if I didn't cull him, but he seemed to be really ill, so I did what I did.

    My landlord is also a jerk. My back door is broken, so I have to let my dog outside out the front to do her business. One time, she almost got me and herself killed by running out onto a road. I seen the car coming, so I ran towards her to see if the car would stop. She almost went under the wheel, so I stepped forward. The car stopped about 5-10 centimetres away from me, and then she ran into a street. I threw a brick at a school's window before going to look for her, and she trotted out of a garden, looked at me and legged it again. I raised my voice the loudest i've ever raised it, and got some looks off people. She ran towards me and jumped up at me like she was sorry she did what she did. When people say it wasn't worth it, my dog has been with me through really hard times. I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for her, I would have suicided at the age of 9.
    Some people really admire what I did, like my teachers. They said not many people would do that, and just let the dog go under the wheel.
    A few days ago, my idiot brother got her really excited. My mum let her out of the front door, and then she legged it. My mum went off running for her. And then when we found her, she was fighting with a staff. She is a jack russel, and the staff bit her leg, so in self-defense, she stood up and bit its neck. The next thing, the staff got hold of her with its teeth around her neck, and then its owner noticed and had to kick his dog. My dog ran off to my mum and was whimpering like crazy.
    (We didn't get involved in breaking up the fight, as it would have done alot of potential damage to my wrists, arms, hands and maybe legs. I tried to help her, but my mum kept me back)
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Hey btw befor you build can you seend me a screenshot of the area please :)
    Jakres likes this.
  4. I guess. Maybe just a few from time to time.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Seems when my computer breaks i miss so much oh well don't expect to see me for a few more weeks at most.
    Jakres, mba2012, Dwight5273 and 3 others like this.
  6. I didnt get to speak because I had to go but heres what I was gonna say. I am making one of my farms for the community. the location is bieng leveled. to find this spot go to grand central and follow the white rail line till you reach guest house 2.0. on the left is guest house on the right is where farm is going to be, the half levelled out beach is where it's going to be built. if any1 wants to help level it would help. the area needs to be 20*64 the length is going to be along the coast.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Hmmm seemed this thread was unwatched :confused: owell haven't been on all day cause spend 6 hours in 3 hours yesterday collecting wither skeleton heads and only got 4 lol
    Jakres, mba2012 and supremedr like this.
  8. Scratch. the place I was leveling was not big enough. free leveled land to the one who takes it first.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. First house of Jimbo town is complete!
    zulu9, Jakres, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Nice! where is it located?
    Jakres likes this.
  11. So the Library has been griefed. And guess what. I got a screenie of the person doing it from the live map!
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Ooh. PM me it.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. For some reason I can't login?
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  15. Jakres likes this.
  16. So wandered around LLO and once again every animal in the farm is gone. The last time the big pen was empty now every sheep pen is empty. If anyone has any redstone and would like to fix the cobble gen next to the farm that would be fine. All my redstone is in Philo Tower. I put up a chest at Philo Tower with some sandstone and cobble in it with Mine, Philo and Mba's name since he was going to work on it. I was gonna get more but don't have a cobble gen that works atm I guess.
  17. The one in the north i made should be up and running :)
    Jakres likes this.
  18. are you talking about the one in the desert? i can fix that.
    Jakres likes this.
  19. Thank you to the members who are volunteering to help with repairs. I seem to always be working during these town meetings, so if I don't get a chance to thank you in 'person', I thank you here.
    Thank you to Pandas for her great summary of the meeting. ;D

    I have to work all day tomorrow, so if people want to start on repairs to Philo Tower without me, go right ahead. I don't mind seeing some improvements to the lobby, as long as the four light paths down the middle remain unobstructed to let light into the basement. Otherwise, it's so badly griefed right now that the other previous lobby rules can be left behind. I've been even thinking about lowering the land around it to make another level of entrances at the higher basement level(s), so if you're ambitious enough and have a good design, go ahead and take a crack at it. I'm far too busy with stuff IRL to even dream about doing all this by myself, so I'm allowing a more liberal 'repair license' to volunteers. Be creative, and HAVE FUN! ;D
    Jakres, shavingfoam, Bu11dawg and 3 others like this.
  20. Yeah, it's in the desert by the tree farm/animal farm. I made it based on the one on my res on SMP7 and them OmeletRice ran the redstone underneath and we covered it in stonebrick. I went to check on it and all that is missing is the switch, some redstone and one of the top pistons.

    Should look like this, but the redstone was moved by Omelet.

    (lulz OCD animal pens)

    xD You're welcome. Will do what I can. :3. When I was just on there was a corner being worked on so I think they started.
    Jakres, yankees518 and mba2012 like this.