smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Yes I always try to be honest or brutality honest about things no need to lie what you trying to say just get to the point :) Ty for understand standing
  2. In my personal opinion, I think if someone is going to start a project(specially on a multiplayer server), They should finish it. Once you start a project you finish it, or someone else will, but with different plans, which will end up prolonging the build time. Who came up with the blue prints for the stadium, and where did they get them from???
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Well then, I managed to trek all the way to the Outpost only to fall to my death from one of the railways, lol :)
    There is some nice Iron armour and tools waiting for you guys so long as the chunk hasn't been loaded. :p
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  4. I actually am going to build stomping there in the future,
    We should talk later
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Then please don't put it anywhere where we want a "downtown"...
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Here is the plan of Jimbo town (made on SBX) The town may get bigger!
    Jimbo town plan.png
    mba2012, Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  7. I guess we will call it New Downtown, until we come up with a new name.

    Also working on the plans for a massive, modern housing district in that area (west). It would be built around the pig race track, also working on the schismatics for that. Personnely, i think all farms of eny sort (except pig island) should be in the north, or east. Maby we should have a farming district. Zones would help so it is not a total mess.
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  8. Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  9. Ok. I just have a lot of stuff IRL and am getting a heap of homework but the summer holidays are just 4 weeks away and then construction will really start. Also about that what I should build next thread I was planning to get an eclipsys build for it.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Holy cow...Anyways, we have space all around us, we could even build in the south past the mountains. As long as we're not crowding out the Umbrella Corp. or Yeti Village we should be fine.

    If we're planning to build another "Downtown" then we need a new name for it as it will be confusing when someone says "I'm going downtown" and they head to the original one and not the new one.

    I have always freaked out during these huge storms. I have a fear of water, unless it's in a glass, pot, bathtub. This whole time I've been freaking out over this storm while others were laughing it up calling it Frankenstorm.

    My dad's derp girlfriend tried to say that because they were calling this "The Perfect Storm" it was "going to be just like the movie. The ice age was going to start around New York and go all the way to New Mexico, people were going to die. That's why it's been raining and turning cold recently." I'm sure it has nothing to do with it being October, almost November :rolleyes:

    I moved here in 2010 and around my birthday we had a huge storm. We didn't know it was going to be as bad as it was until our roommate made us get out in it. We ended up leaving late at 7pm because we had another person who was jerking us around. We started out the usual way only to have to turn around by order of the fireman because the road was flooded so bad. We cut across and to another way several minutes down the road to find a guy in a camaro in a flooded area. Helped him get out and took the next way only to find it covered in water. 18 Wheelers were going off the road and through the grass to get back onto the road and on their routes. We were behind a PT Cruiser who was too afraid to go so our roommate talked to her, had us lead through. We drove through and water was over our hood coming up onto the windshield. We got to the town we needed and everything was closed, had to drive on to the next. By the time we got home it was 3am.

    Last year I experienced Irene which is my first ever Hurricane. We live in a mobile home so I was freaking out. It was rocking and wind was whistling through broken windows, we have a ton of trees around us due to living in the sticks so I was afraid they would fall. We lost power the first night, ended up not having power for three days because they didn't know anyone lived in our area and our neighbors didn't report it, we were the only ones. Finally got power back that next Thursday.
    Jakres, Bu11dawg, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  11. That wast the earthquake, i understand freaking out about the storm.
    Monsoons are very devastating, i know what a bad storm is.

    And maby we can call the new downtown Gangnam, and call downtown, well, down town
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  12. Horrible day. I just came out of the bathroom to see one of the kittens die. Now paranoid and watching the others and trying not to throw up. Think i'll take a break.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. real life? Or game life?
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Real life.

    I think I'm having a really hard time because this is the first time I've dealt with this on my own. Any other time I've had an animal have babies I never knew it until I discovered it. This time I sat with my cat while she had them all in the dryer, she didn't want me to leave her. I've been there since they were born.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. sory to here that, :(

    here is the map for my latest evil plan


    It will be a modern building district, extremely detailed.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Awww! Good luck too them! Post pictures?
    Jakres and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  17. :( That sucks.. I hope the rest are okay. Do you know why?
    Jakres likes this.
  18. All got to say about current projects is "seeing is believing"

    And last few pages sound like bunch of politicians " a lot of talking but no action"
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  19. geese man, this idea will take months.

    I will the started on teh race track a.s.a.p for the Olympics
    Jakres likes this.
  20. I present to you my plans for Mooshroom Village.

    Red = Items for public use, entrance, railway station, and trade store.
    Green = Housing (Will be done in a petridish fashion)
    Blue splodges = Mooshroom stations
    Orange = Pig Island 2 (will keep the 1st one, this is just a different, and bigger, island.
    Jakres likes this.