smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Blaargh!
    Jakres likes this.
  2. what?
    Jakres likes this.
  3. L0tad you can't just go around knocking down other peoples buildings... -_-
    Jakres, mba2012, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  4. This what rest of the community is telling you
    patrick starproject.png
    Jakres, mba2012, Philovanrood and 2 others like this.
  5. Blargh!! was cause i got dropped again - it is like if you dont visit in here for a day :<
    Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  6. I love how Aikar steps in to tell l0tad to stop his project, and move it elsewhere, he continues to make new plans that still involve ripping down other's houses...

    And now he fills a river with sand, claims somebody's house and downsizes his project....

    If I was to manage this China Town project, i'd go where that giant piece of floating grass is and build it right there. Make it as big as I want, away from people's buildings and away from any other outposts...Best of all, I don't even have to ruin a landscape, claim a house from someone, or threaten to rip down other people's buildings.
    zulu9, mba2012, Jakres and 3 others like this.
  7. Well said! :D
    Jakres, alex_jacob and IamSaj like this.
  8. That seems like an strange coincidence as that is my definition of a griefer as well. We keep banning griefers, but they keep popping up again. And Lotad, I suggest not building where people have already built stuff.....
    Jakres, mba2012, Philovanrood and 2 others like this.
  9. My advise to fellow LLOers... LOCK YOUR CHESTS! That's my 2 cents.... :D
    Jakres, alex_jacob, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  10. *Cough* Common Sense much *Cough* *Cough*
    Jakres, mba2012 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  11. I know, its just some of us don't have common sense, or don't use it.
    Jakres, alex_jacob and IamSaj like this.
  12. ok


    Lets put it in perspective
    so lets say you are planing to build a house, you have aquierd the land, all legit suppls, an as you are half way thou with building it, someone walks by and says, O.. you are messing up the llo, you are making an ugly building, i will report you, you are a GREFFER. That is how i feel right now. If you think my buildings are ugly, DON'T LOOK AT THEM. Thar are many other buildings in the server to look at. If you don't want money in the llo, you don't have to take part in it, you can just keep your distance. If you think i am being a B****, you are probably right, Tho you cant complying about me building on MY LAND.

    I will agree with pandas to an extent, i am tired of all this complain an you guys mocking me, It hurts and some advise, it make me want to build it more to say" ha, there it is" . I know Akiar got involved, he says to not build on other peoples land, THO I OWN WHAT I AM BUILDING ON. So stop pulling that card

    Mr. Peter abandon his house do to the fact a rummer was started he was a greffer. I had a conversation whit him. He sated he was tired of the complying. He says i can have he house, Which i was going to turn into a night club. It not like i want in tare and sated "GIVE ME YOUR HOUSE". If i am coming across like that, sory i do not mean to be like that. He left a chest outside dwights park to say good by, for more proof.

    As for blocking the view of the house, I am sory, an have fixed the building to not, if you think is still is, just Lett me know an i will accommodation.

    As for the river,

    Thare was some woods behind my house a couple months ago. I truly thought that was Heven, me an the guys played airsoft there, I would go out at night to go play guitar, an i loved it. Then one day i saw some trees marked off, and a sing saying it was to be torn down for a new house.

    I just couldn't go there and say, Dont build there. I like that wood.

    It the same consept. And the river was blocked by bridges, so it served no use for boats, and it was mesed up by past buildings. It was annoying anyways.

    As for greffing, if my project brings greffes well sory. If you are that scared of them, you should probably build in town, That is want it is for. i do see where you come from. I was wondering smp1 and came across the original village. It was literal a war zone. I came to Justen guys house, And pondered it for hours. Greefers are an unstoppable force . In minecraft, and real life. If you out-do someone the will want to destroy it, for they need to get suplys to out do it, or they need food, or they are a natural mean person.

    You just have to adapt to it, change what you are doing, Prehaps look at an old idea and reconsider it. If you live in the wild, you are almost singing a contract,(one of the few with no loop holes) to accept this. The bigger you build, the bigger the target.

    Next, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT ME BEING A GREFFER. As that guy says, I have just got back up (Thanks Eminem and Grillaz), so save the your energy. We need to focus on a way to protect our rail system. That is more impotent that my project.

    So If You post ENYTING ABOUT MY PROJECT PAST THIS POINT, I dont know, I just want to be left alone

    U guys are almost trying to bully me into stopping. It hurts, Pleas stop.
    I feel like i am causing so much problems

    Pleas Stop
  13. We aren't bullying you. We have told you numerous times to build somewhere else away from that area. Their is little or no room to build anything there. It would be best to go to outskirts of LLO like i do nowadays. What you think how North,West, East LLO started members went out there to build their house's or projects.
  14. you miss the point


    I never sayed u cant build you park there, in the same location, clouded downtown, Did i
    Jakres likes this.
  15. L0tad what you don't understand i had big house there before the last big griefing couple of weeks ago. I been in that area sense the beginning and know most of people you built there. You started to put up signs saying ""Building going to demo to make room for Chinatown" in-game not telling members on this thread taking a quiet way of doing things. You say we need to get over past project and build new projects in there place sorry that's not how it works in EMC and LLO many fellow LLO members have spent hours building it. My best bet to you is stopping making your end of the story of the sad side you moved into a dense area and told before hand isn't good idea to build big projects due to the space. Also your saying that we are starting drama with you we aren't just giving you advice and you taking it the wrong way. Hopefully other members can tell how ridiculous you are being to everyone else.

    Sorry guys for the wall of text but i been holding this in for days about this subject
    Jakres, mba2012, penfoldex and 3 others like this.
  16. so...
    i guess if i decided to come back i could just make a 1x1xLOTS OF BLOCKS pillar and build a base up there?
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I guess so lol i doesn't disturbed anyone else project. In fact i think LLO has a 3x3 cobble tower somewhere
    Jakres likes this.
  18. Holy fudgesticks, I go to the movies and come back to this o.o.

    The only person I have seen "flipping a table" is L0tad. We have given tips on what to do and where to build because of the limited space in that corner. We gave tips even after the idea was not being posted in this thread until recently and signs claiming things being demolished. We have given tips and explained our side of the story and been met with hostility and told "to move on".

    We're not bullying anyone. If we were bullying we would be trying to force you out and stooping to griefing. People have been members for a while and it seems new members move in and don't seem to listen or care what others have to say or try to prove them wrong etc.

    We just wanted to suggest that the project be moved to have enough space. whatever the name of it is, since mba's is China Town.
  19. zulu9, mba2012 and shavingfoam like this.
  20. L0tad got the definition of 'griefer' wrong. We say you are building an ugly building and that's griefing? Erm, no, I don't think so. Griefers will burn your buildings, erasing them from existence, not say 'Your building is ugly' and then get on with their lives.
    Jakres, zulu9, mba2012 and 3 others like this.