smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. The obsidian tunnel is half done probably finish to rest and set rail line tomorrow. I would finish it tonight but bad weather where I live is giving me a bad connection. :)
    Jakres, Luke4214 and zulu9 like this.
  2. I'll make a photo tomorrow. Can't get on my computer.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  3. By the end of this year, what do you think the LLO will have accomplished? At this current rate, I say we will have a huge city and be extremely prosperous. (given no wild reset)
    Jakres and Luke4214 like this.
  4. Only time will tell what LLO will look like in the future
  5. Come on…just take a guess!
    Jakres likes this.
  6. We already have a huge city ;)
    No idea what it will look like. 1.3 books will be a huge thing. Apart from that we seem to expand taking advantage of the different biome features (treehouses in the jungle, wooden houses in the desert, ice stuff in winter areas etc).
    We keep on and do more stuff. I assume when we got all the districts covered with the basic structures like treefarms, farms, rails etc we get to more fun things. I already do the golf course and there are plans for an archery ground.
    So it is not so much about getting "prosperous" as in showing off but providing a large area with fun stuff to do, that makes it easy to live in the wild.
    And last but not least: Build cool stuff together with nice people. We have gotten kinda huge. Maybe we need a "meet your neighbor" program or something...
  7. We will discover oil and fuel, then invent spacecraft that can fly and we will go to the moon, completely trolling minecraft and EMC. We will then colonise the moon and forever end the space race in minecraft, even though there never was one. We will then also be known forever as the outpost whom made it to the moon and made everything possible in minecraft, even though there are many things that are not possible in minecraft right now.
    Oh, wait, we need computers to do that...umm...*insert awesome and somewhat trollish idea/meme here*
  8. And this is why I can't wait for 1.3 books :D
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  9. We really need to offer some more general stores around the place as the northern one is really cool.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  10. To have general store, the maintaining takes rupees since it is preferably to have locked chests :D
    And depends how huge selection there would be if Almost Everything atleast 4 stacks - over 10000 rupees to the locked chests :/
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Rail Update: Obsidian Line is halfway done. Going to make the mid-stop station Behind lzbz_dw towers, make some more obsidian block, and rrails soo by tomorrow night for me the rail line should be done if the weather allows me to have internet :p.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Geeze I I sleep from 4pm-9am and there's two pages. Most I didn't get but wooo?
    You did not understand a word I said. The Umbrella Corp. is from Resident Evil. They turn people into zombies. They plan to make a HIVE and all their members will live there and have basically everything they could ever want and are trying to get the Minecraft Umbrella Corp. on the maps. As in they want to be as well known as some of the griefer teams. No idea what they plan to do exactly. Just know they try to recruit members from LLO and they accused someone of being a griefer at their compound.

    Hi Mr. Rage @ Meme guy :p
  13. I think the LLOPD ppl should just assign ppl to do this.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Zulu I think the West should become a district soon as well. But it need to be bigger than what it is just built so its not tiny.

    Also I think we should start to work on district names.

    AND LAST but Certainly NOT LEAST: My Spleef is done! I'm now taking name suggestions. I will schedule the first
    Community Spleef Game(which will have many rounds/matches/games) soon! If you use it without me please replace the snow.


    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  15. Well, the library walls are nearly done and we are now accepting donations for bookshelves, books, sugarcane and paper. Just leave them in the unlocked chest inside the library structure.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Here's a map of District 10, with cmbcody and my house inside. Just a general marking, not set. Is this ok zulu?

    Attached Files:

    Jakres likes this.
  17. It's 621op so I guess I should have expected it. First DogsRNice and now him. I've done nothing at all for anyone to treat me this way.
  18. OMG, finaly someone tat sees my point of view
    Jakres likes this.
  19. Feel free to come to my house and take some sugar canes from my line, but be sure to ONLY TAKE THE TOP TWO! It should give you a few stacks of sugar cane. Enjoy! :D
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.