smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Also, who created the balloons? I know that k123ninio made 3 of them but I forget who made the fourth.
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Wings? What wings? it dosen't have wings..
  3. Then what are those sheets of cobblestone hanging down from its sides?
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Coblestones represent as a tablecloth. Originaly there was a cake on it, but i moved the cake to onto the tower.
  5. Dwight made the other one
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Ooh lol ok.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Err were the griefers caught? If not, I'll rally the troops and have them do recon.
    Jakres likes this.
  8. I dont know if anybody started something like this before, but here goes nothing
    Im forming the LLOPD (Last Light Outpost Police Department)
    No, we dont have squad cars.
    Currently, it's only me, but we are accepting new members If you want to get a badge, you have to click on my 20k sig and make a badge. It can be any picture BUT it must have something that has LLOPD in it like for example, mine would be LLOPD Chief. If anyone will like to make a base, I will help.
    EDIT: You can be undercover too but to be undercover you need to PM me with your application. I will have a thread for this too. If you DONT wanna be undercover, you just need to post on the thread.
    EDIT the 2nd: If you are undercover you dont need a badge
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  9. Community Tower has been hit again. Glass broken, some minor flooding in the basement level floors., paintings taken from the lobby and apartments, as well as the expected stealing of items.
    I've repaired the structural damage but am not working on the decorations anymore.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Thats why Im forming the LLOPD: Griefing and crimes
    Jakres and imBobertRobert like this.
  11. I'll definitely help out though I dont need a badge.

    We need a place to report crimes with as much info as possible, especially time when it took place and what was lost.

    Could we use saddled pigs for squad cars ;)

    By the way who blew a hole in the main sheep pen?
  12. Err I dont know I just started this 38 minutes ago;)
    Jakres and imBobertRobert like this.
  13. It was more a general question but it's ok I found a sign. It'd be great if people could cover up holes if a creeper blows up a public amenity.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. you play world of tanks too??

    i had to delete because my computer isnt fast enough to run it
    Jakres likes this.
  15. he only has the jar file so it would be kinda illegal... already kinda deep in it from the rents figuring out that i dont pay for music (except c418 and glitch mob)... and most of the time it only works when they are encased in something like a room, because mc still thinks it can see them if they are open to the air. similar to openGL. it reads it if it is not completely surrounded by blocks, and makes it not render if it is covered completely.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. i have an idea to catch a griefer for the LLOPD, but i wont tell you since one of you might be it. it's more of a... crap. cant say. anybody want to grab me some diamonds from town? :p
    (im kidding btw)
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Sure! Welcome aboard! We still need to find a place to build the HQ, yeah Im getting on right now
    Jakres likes this.
  18. I was shearing last night and got hit by two creepers. I filled the holes however...
    Unfortunately some of the sheep may have died but it was difficult to tell.
    Sorry if it did. :oops:
    Jakres likes this.
  19. I'd also like to join if its fine with you.
    I can help with the HQ, I have plenty of stone bricks and a spot if we need it.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. can i join the llopd?
    Jakres likes this.